U.S. ambassador calls for transparency in talks on gas price
May 22
We call for transparency in the talks on the possible gas price
increase, U.S. Ambassador Joh Heffern told reporters today.
When asked if the increase in the gas price results from Russia's
pressure on Armenia, the ambassador declined to comment.
"Armenia and Russia are close partners. The talks are being conducted
by these countries. The Unites States are not involved in the talks,'
John Heffern said.
According to him, Armenia has much potential for using hydropower
plants. The ambassador stated that cooperation of the U.S. with
Armenia is also aimed at developing renewable energy sector.
TODAY, 13:57
From: A. Papazian
May 22
We call for transparency in the talks on the possible gas price
increase, U.S. Ambassador Joh Heffern told reporters today.
When asked if the increase in the gas price results from Russia's
pressure on Armenia, the ambassador declined to comment.
"Armenia and Russia are close partners. The talks are being conducted
by these countries. The Unites States are not involved in the talks,'
John Heffern said.
According to him, Armenia has much potential for using hydropower
plants. The ambassador stated that cooperation of the U.S. with
Armenia is also aimed at developing renewable energy sector.
TODAY, 13:57
From: A. Papazian