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Who are actually Alevis?

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  • Who are actually Alevis?

    Who are actually Alevis?
    2013-05-22 13:20:39

    On the occasion of the translation of the Book of Erwan Kerivel in
    Armenian, Tchobanian Institute organized a trip to Armenia to present
    "The Truth is in man" in French and Armenian version.

    A delegation led by Varoujan Sirapian, president of the Institute
    Tchobanian, composed of the author and some Alevis in Turkey today
    installed in Europe, discover Armenia from 13 to 21 May, Two
    conferences are held at the Yerevan State University and the UFAR.

    The first meeting was held May 14 at the Faculty of Oriental Studies
    of Yerevan State University. One hundred students and teachers
    attended the presentation. After words of welcome by Prof.. Garnik
    Asatryan, Director, Department of Iranian Studies, Varoujan Sirapian
    described the work of the Institute and Tchobanian magazine "Europe &
    East." Mr. Sirapian stressed the importance of the book Erwan Kerivel
    that in an easily accessible language exposes the sociology and
    philosophy of Alevis in Turkey.

    Then Mr. Kerivel presented his book with remarkable translation of
    Lusine Palian, and answered many of the relevant part of students and
    teachers questions.

    In an interview with the author of the book Erwan Kerivel
    said that he was in Armenia for the first time, and that the
    presentation of the book and his interest in Armenia and the Armenian
    nation brought him in Armenia.

    He highlighted the fact that the book's translator and publisher
    Armenians. By the way, the book was published in Paris "Sizhest"
    publishing house, the director of which is our compatriot Varoujan
    Sirapian, who lives in Paris.

    Referring to the Patriarch of Constantinople Ateshyan's statement that
    80-90% of Alevis are Armenians, Erwan Kerivel considered it
    unfounded. "While studying Alevis, I saw that there were some people,
    whose mothers were Armenians, and there are also people among my
    friends, who say that their grandmothers were Armenians. However, if
    the Alevis, who have bilateral Armenian origin, will be sked whether
    they considere themselves Armenians or Zaza-Alavis, of course, as a
    nationality, they will celebrate Zaza-Alevis. It's a simple truth."

    Erwan Kerivel also noted that he returns with many fine impressions.
    "In a few days, where we go, we were very well received.

    I'm sure that I will visit Armenia again", Kerivel said.

    Azatuhi Araskhanyan
