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Armenian opposition rep urges ArmRusgasprom to be reasonable

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  • Armenian opposition rep urges ArmRusgasprom to be reasonable

    Armenian opposition rep urges ArmRusgasprom to be reasonable

    19:34 - 24.05.13

    Heritage party member Styopa Safaryan put a following question to
    Shushan Sardaryan, Spokeswoman for the ArmRusgasprom Company, who took
    part in a Facebook conference organized byAzatutyun Radio.

    `I am sure that you are not going to have any problems in case the gas
    price rises. What about others? I would ask you to answer my question
    as a mother,' Safaryan said.

    He also asks if ArmRusgasprom is well aware of the fact that, because
    of their plans, the number of poor and hungry children will increase
    in Armenia.

    Sardaryan answered that she raised her children in early 1990s, during
    the crisis.

    `There is a not a single family that did not see the difficulties. But
    this money will ensure our country's energy security,' Sardaryan said.

    As regards poor citizens, she believes that the gas price is not the
    major cause of their situation. Armenia's government subsidizes the
    poor sections of Armenia's population.

    Sardaryan does not share the opinion that the gas export price for
    Armenia is higher than that in Europe. She offers critics to compared
    the prices in effect in Europe and Armenia to make sure that Armenian
    prices are not higher.

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