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Western Prelacy News - 05/24/2013

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  • Western Prelacy News - 05/24/2013

    May 24, 2013
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Tuesday, May 28, 2013 is the 95th anniversary of the first Republic
    of Armenia. By the ordinance of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate, on Sunday, May 26, Thanksgiving Prayers for the republic will be
    offered in all Prelacy Churches on this occasion.
    The Prelate will preside over Divine Liturgy at St. Sarkis Church in
    Pasadena, where he will also preside over the Thanksgiving Prayers and
    deliver the sermon.


    The Western Prelacy has republished the Armenian version of Garo
    Bedrosian's popular book "Feasts and Traditions of the Armenian Church".

    The book was originally published twenty years ago and had since
    sold out. The republication is an enhanced version of the original,
    featuring new and revised content and illustrations. It opens with the
    prologue by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and includes
    letters of commendation addressed to the author.
    "Feasts and Traditions of the Armenian Church" is a highly
    informative and interesting compilation of the history and popular
    traditions associated with the feasts of the Armenian Apostolic Church.
    The book is available at the Prelacy bookstore for $20. The English
    version of the original book is also available. The English translation of
    this new republished version is in the works.
    Contact the Prelacy at 818-248-7737 ext. 101 or
    [email protected] to purchase a copy.


    The year 2013 marks two important anniversaries for the Holy See of
    Cilicia, as we remember two of our beloved Pontiffs of blessed memory, H.H.
    Catholicos Zareh I and H.H. Catholicos Khoren I on the 50th and 30th
    respective anniversaries of their passing. The life and legacy of our two
    Pontiffs, and their great contributions to the Armenian Apostolic Church,
    was honored earlier this year with requiem services and memorial events held
    at the Catholicosate of Cilicia and its Prelacies, including the Western
    On the evening of Tuesday, May 21, 2013, a standing room only crowd
    gathered at the "Dikran and Zarouhie Der Ghazarian" Hall for a memorial
    event paying tribute to Catholicos Zareh I "the wondrous" (eskancheli)
    Payaslian, and Catholicos Khoren I "the builder" (shinarar) Paroyan.
    The event was held under the auspices of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, Prelate, organized by the Religious Council and Prelacy
    Cultural-Educational Committee, and hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Vicken and Dzovig
    Der Ghazarian, niece of Catholicos Zareh I. Two Seminary alumni, Deacon
    Mark Shirin and Mr. Garo Bedrosian, were invited to speak on the life and
    legacy of the two Catholicoi. The event also featured a cultural program of
    songs presented by Vahakn Hovents and Anahit Nersisyan, both accompanied on
    the piano by Prof. Levon Aprahamian.
    The program officially began with the "Lord's Prayer" and a requiem
    prayer, led by the Prelate with the participation of clergy members. Rev.
    Fr. Ardak Demirjian welcomed the guests on behalf of the organizing
    committees and invited the Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Kevork Bedikian, to
    begin the program.
    Mr. Bedikian reflected on his own personal memories of both
    Catholicoi and invited the evening's first speaker, Deacon Mark Shirin, who
    spoke about Catholicos Zareh I.
    Deacon Mark presented the biography of Catholicos Zareh I, from his
    days as a young student to his election as Prelate of Aleppo and later as
    Pontiff. As Prelate of Aleppo, highlighted Deacon Mark, Zareh I, through
    his hard work and efforts, succeeded in including Armenian language and
    religion classes on school curriculums, and was instrumental in the
    establishment of Karen Jeppe college. After the passing of Catholicos
    Karekin Hovsepiants in 1952, due to internal and external conflicts four
    years elapsed until the election of Catholicos Zareh I in 1956. Catholicos
    Zareh I would reign in a difficult political climate, but in his short
    seven-year tenure he was able to overcome challenges and obstacles and
    achieved great successes for the Holy See of Cilicia. During his short
    reign, the service of the Catholicosate was extended to various communities
    in the Diaspora, among them Iran, Greece, and the United States, communities
    that had been in desperate need of spiritual care for many years. Special
    attention and care was given to the Seminary and its young students. The
    relations of the Catholicosate with other churches and states of the Middle
    East were strengthened and in 1962, the Catholicosate of Cilicia became a
    full member of the World Council of Churches and sent an observer to the
    Vatican Council II. Catholicos Zareh I was mindful and deeply concerned
    with the needs as well as challenges of the Armenian people, and dedicated
    his life to serving for the progress of our church and nation with unmatched
    devotion, humility, and enthusiasm until his untimely passing in 1963 at the
    age of 48.
    Educator and author Mr. Garo Bedrosian was then invited to reflect
    on the life of Catholicos Khoren I who succeeded Catholicos Zareh I in 1963.
    Under the pontificate of Catholicos Khoren I, the Catholicosate went through
    an era of achievements in various domains. Mr. Bedrosian highlighted a
    number of these achievements; a new and modernized official residence for
    the Pontiff was built, the Catholicosate library was expanded and new books
    added, the printing house was expanded and modernized, a housing unit for
    Bishops was built and the area for Brotherhood members renovated, private
    residences were built in Fanar as well as the Armenian Home for the Aged to
    care for the elderly, scholarship funds were established, publications were
    expanded, Pontifical visits began, relations were strengthened between the
    two Holy Sees, the pursuit of the Armenian Cause and our national rights
    were strengthened, and the "St. Mesrob Mashdots", "St. Nerses the Gracious"
    , "Prince of Cilicia", and "Knight of Cilicia" medals were instituted.
    Overall, through his great efforts, the Catholicosate achieved financial
    stability and the terrain of was expanded with new constructions to meet the
    growing needs of the Catholicosate and its faithful. Due to declining
    health, in 1977 Catholicos Khoren I wished to have a Coadjutor to assist
    him. Archbishop Karekin II Sarkissian, Prelate of the Eastern United States
    was elected Coadjutor-Catholicos. However Khoren I continued to closely
    monitor and supervise the activities of the Catholicosate of Cilicia until
    his passing in 1983. With his signature warm smile always illuminating his
    face, Catholicos Khoren I was a man of action and earned the fitting moniker
    "builder" for his vast works, concluded Mr. Bedrosian.
    The program concluded with the Prelate's message.
    The Prelate welcomed the guests and relatives of Catholicos Zareh I
    for their presence, thanking Mr. and Mrs. Vicken and Dzovig Der Ghazarian
    especially for their participation in memorializing the life of their uncle,
    Catholicos Zareh I, through their sponsorship of the event. He thanked the
    organizers and program participants for their contribution to this moving
    tribute. The Prelate began his message by echoing the words of H.H.
    Catholicos Aram I, describing the two Catholicoi as truly loyal servants of
    the Holy See of Cilicia who served with deep faithfulness and selfless
    devotion, and left an inerasable mark in the history of the Holy See of
    Cilicia as models of spiritual leadership. The Prelate paid homage to the
    legacy and memory of our beloved Pontiffs by reciting his own composition
    utilizing the first letters of their names to start each sentence. He
    eulogized Catholicos Zareh I as being adorned with virtues, virtuous in
    character, our "wondrous" Pontiff, blessed missionary of Christ,
    extraordinary in faith and being. His Eminence eulogized Catholicos Khoren
    I as wise in thought, our "builder" Pontiff, strong and dynamic in his
    entire being, with a presence that was captivating. In conclusion, the
    Prelate urged clergy and lay servants of the Prelacy to serve faithfully and
    with devotion in the ideal example set forth by our two most beloved
    The beautiful and moving tribute came to a close with the Prelate's
    benediction and the Cilician anthem.
    Guests then enjoyed a reception organized by the Prelacy Ladies


    On Sunday, May 19, 2013, the Las Vegas parish community celebrated
    another joyous and momentous occasion as H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, Prelate, visited the St. Garabed Church family to celebrate
    Divine Liturgy, consecrate sacred painting, and preside over the unveiling
    of "The Surviving Mother" monument. Parish Pastor Archpriest Fr. Avedis
    Torossian, Deacon Mark Shirin, sub-deacon Bob Bezdikian, and stole-bearer
    Vazken Mouradian, assisted on the altar.
    During the service, Fr. Avedis brought forth the traditional
    dove-shaped vessel, from which the Prelate poured the Holy Chrism and
    consecrated the sacred paintings.
    The Prelate's sermon centered on the message of Pentecost, which
    calls us into unity and binds us together as one people to serve, empowered
    by the Holy Spirit. The Prelate noted that on that first Pentecost, with
    the descent of the Holy Spirit a new creation came into being, the Church
    was born. "Today, as we celebrate the birth of the Church, we celebrate
    again the new birth of this community which received new life with the
    consecration of St. Garabed Church just a month ago." The Feast of
    Pentecost, stated His Eminence, is an invitation to consider our own
    participation in the mission of oru Church. "Today is a fitting opportunity
    to renew our commitment to live as active members of the body of Christ and
    of the Armenian Apostolic Church family, using our individual gifts to
    collectively build up our church and nation".
    "This community is a testament that all things are possible when we
    work together for good with trust in our Lord and guided by the Holy Spirit.
    The kinship and fellowship in this parish community is evident and evidenced
    by the progress of this Church in a short period of time. Today we complete
    the final phase of the rebirth of this community with the consecration of
    the sacred paintings and the unveiling of "The Surviving Mother" monument.
    With these ceremonies, St. Garabed Church officially enters a new chapter, a
    new journey and mission. As you embark on this new path and look ahead to
    future successes, today, on this Feast of Pentecost, may this parish family
    renew its commitment to working together with love and harmony, reinforced
    in faith and service by the power of the Holy Spirit," concluded the
    After the service the Prelate and procession headed to the courtyard
    for the unveiling and blessing of "The Surviving Mother" monument that was
    erected in memory of Armenian mothers who survived the Armenian Genocide and
    created our new generation in America and around the world. Monument
    sponsors Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Doris Deratzou were among the faithful in
    attendance. The ceremony concluded with the Cilician and Armenian anthems,
    after which young students of "Armenian Dancers of Las Vegas" performed
    three dances in the courtyard.
    A luncheon organized by the ARS "Shoushi" Chapter followed at
    "Koujakian" Hall. Chairlady Mrs. Lila Darakjian welcomed the guests and
    gave a brief overview of the Chapter's activities, among them the local
    Saturday School which has been serving the region for over two decades.
    The day's festivities came to a close with the benediction and
    blessings of the Prelate.


    On Saturday, May 18, the sixth annual Orthodox Day of Praise was
    held at St. Peter and St. Paul Coptic Orthodox Church in Santa Monica, with
    the participation of members from the Oriental and Eastern Orthodox
    The annual event unites the Orthodox congregation using the language
    of hymns and praise. Among the Churches represented are the Armenian,
    Coptic, Syriac, Russian, Serbian, Antiochian, Ukrainian, Ethiopian,
    Romanian, and others.
    By the ordinance of the Prelate, the Prelacy "Lousavorich" Choir
    once again participated in this annual event, led by Rev. Ghevont Kirazian.
    The day began at 8:00 a.m. with the celebration of Divine Liturgy,
    followed by a meet and greet and brunch. The program of hymns and praises
    began at noon. The "Lousavorich" Choir presented three hymns, and joined in
    the group song, which this year was a hymn from the Ethiopian Orthodox
    Church. Note that last year's group song was an Armenian hymn.


    Following the results of the Los Angeles municipal elections, on
    Wednesday, May 22nd, the Prelate sent congratulatory letters to Los Angeles
    Mayor-Elect Eric Garcetti, City Attorney-Elect Mike Feuer, City
    Controller-Elect Ron Galperin, and City Council Members-Elect Mitch
    O'Farrell and Gil Cedillo.
    The Prelate congratulated the newly elected officials on behalf of
    the Prelacy Councils and faithful, and wished them success in their new
    In his letter to Mayor-Elect Garcetti, the Prelate stated, "We
    appreciate especially your unwavering support of the Armenian-American
    community and your sincere concern and commitment to the welfare of all your
    constituents. We are confident that the City of Los Angeles will thrive
    under your strong and principled leadership."


    On Wednesday, May 22, the 24th annual appreciation night in honor of
    Armenian graduates from the Pasadena School District was held at the
    Pasadena Armenian Center. The reception is organized annually by the Pastor
    and Board of Trustees of St. Sarkis Church.
    In attendance were St. Sarkis Church Pastor, Board of Trustees,
    Delegates and Ladies Auxiliary members, representatives from the ARF
    "Lernavayr" Gomideh and local sister organizations, Pasadena Chief of Police
    and Sheriff Department representatives, Pasadena Unified School District
    Superintendent and members, principals, educators, and parents.
    The Prelate congratulated the students on the hard work that led
    them to this stage in their lives and wished them success in the next phase
    of their life's journey. His Eminence reminded the students that they are
    all members of one family, the Armenian Church and nation, and urged them to
    give back to the community by contributing to the advancement of our cause
    and nation. In conclusion, the Prelate prayed for the Lord's blessings,
    protection, and guidance to be with them as they begin this new chapter.
