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TI Applied To Ethics Commission

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  • TI Applied To Ethics Commission

    TI Applied To Ethics Commission

    Law - Friday, 24 May 2013, 17:06

    Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center has applied to the
    Ethics Commission requesting to study two issues. One refers to the
    practice of members of parliament to hire their friends, family
    members and relatives for their assistant's position. Transparency
    International refers to an article published in headlined
    `Heading for National Assembly with Family or Who Are Assistants to
    Members of Parliament?' Members of parliament can have two assistants.
    One is a paid position, the other is a volunteer position. According
    to, paid assistants are usually friends, relatives or family
    members of the MPs. According to Article 23, Para 1.8, it is forbidden
    to a public servant to work together with close relatives or in-laws
    (parent, spouse, child, brother, sister, spouse's parent, child,
    brother and sister), if their service is connected with direct
    subordination to or supervision over one another (except a member
    parliament). The issue is not legal, it is moral, TI states. The
    second application requests the Ethics Commission to study the
    acceptability and lawfulness of interference of Member of Parliament
    Samvel Alexanyan in the electoral process on the day of vote to the
    Council of Elders of Yerevan.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress