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Shengavit museum project continues fundraising effort

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  • Shengavit museum project continues fundraising effort

    Shengavit museum project continues fundraising effort
    Published: Saturday May 25, 2013

    >From left: Dr. Arshak Balayan, translator; Mr. Vladimir Tshagharyan,
    Shengavit Director; Dr. Mitchell Rothman, archaeologist, Widener
    University, PA; Dr. Susan Pattie, ALMA director.

    WATERTOWN, MASS. - Vladimir Tshagharyan, director of the Shengavit
    Historical and Archeological Preserve in Yerevan, gave an illustrated
    presentation on the Shengavit Preserve at the Armenian Library and
    Museum of America (ALMA) in Watertown on April 12.

    The event was organized by the Cambridge-Yerevan Sister City
    Association (CYSCA) as part of its participation in the Cambridge
    Science Festival. CYSCA was joined in this effort by ALMA and the
    National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR).

    Mr. Tshagharyan came to the Boston area at the invitation of CYSCA,
    which has established a project to help preserve and restore
    Shengavit. Tshagharyan's presentation and the following discussion
    were moderated by Dr. Susan Pattie, anthropologist and director of
    ALMA. Joining in the discussion was Dr. Mitchell Rothman, Professor of
    Anthropology at Widener University in Pennsylvania, who has spent
    several seasons excavating at Shengavit and intends to publish a
    monograph on the site. Rothman followed up Tshagharyan's presentation
    with a talk on the significance of Shengavit within the wider context
    of "Shengavit" or "Kura-Araxes" civilizations.

    Shengavit was the first Stone Age settlement discovered in Armenia,
    located south-east of Lake Yerevan, across from the US Embassy. It was
    inhabited as early as the fourth millennium BCE, and continued to be
    occupied for over a thousand years. Among the remains recovered from
    the site are obsidian stone tools, weapons such as mace heads and bone
    knives, burnished clay pots, small statues, and even wheat flour which
    has stood the test of time.

    The Shengavit site was first excavated in 1936 by Eugeni Bayburtian
    (1898-1938) and Joseph Orbelli (1887-1961). Bayburtian's work on
    Shengavit was regrettably cut short in 1938, when he was exiled to
    Siberia and subsequently executed as part of Stalin's Great Purge; his
    writings were forbidden, and were discovered again only a decade ago.
    Excavations of Shengavit were resumed in the 1950s under Sandro
    Sardaryan (1912-1995) and then again in recent years under Hakob
    Simonyan and Mitchell Rothman.

    It is only in recent years that Shengavit has begun to receive much of
    the attention that it deserves, brought about largely through the
    tireless efforts of Tshagharyan and the continued support of CYSCA. As
    a result of Tshagharyan's persistence, two hospitals that had been
    built upon the preserve returned a portion their plots to Shengavit,
    which now enjoys an area of 5 ½ hectares. A fence has been built
    around a portion of the site and policemen are now on guard to protect
    the area. The Shengavit museum, made up of an old military barracks
    and closed for more than two decades, was reopened in 2010. In 2012,
    Shengavit was paid a visit by Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and
    U.S. Ambassador John Heffern. Although Shengavit is still unknown to
    many of the citizens of Yerevan, and there are not yet many tourists
    due to a lack of visitor facilities, it is hoped that the situation
    will improve with the continued support of CYSCA.

    CYSCA continued its involvement in the Cambridge Science Festival at
    the Cambridge Public Library on the afternoon of Saturday, April 13.
    CYSCA's presence at the Festival centered on the Armenia Tree Project
    (ATP), an environmental organization that has been instrumental in the
    reforestation of Armenia since 1994. ATP has planted and restored more
    than 4 million trees in Armenia, creating numerous jobs for
    impoverished Armenians through its tree-regeneration programs. Also
    featured at the Festival was ATP's Building Bridges Program, an
    environmental education program seeking to "build bridges" between
    Armenian students in the Diaspora and their peers in Armenia. As part
    of this effort to connect Armenian and American students with their
    environmental heritage, CYSCA's booth exhibited some of the activities
    of the Ohanyan School in Yerevan, including costumes and dolls woven
    from recycled garbage bags.

    For more on these various projects, see and

    Shengavit director hosted by Knights and Daughters of Vartan in Worcester
    On April 29 Mr. Tshagharyan was hosted at a joint dinner meeting of
    Knights Of Vartan Arshavir Lodge No.2 and the Daughters Of Vartan
    Santoukht Otyag No. 5. About 100 people attended the illustrated talk
    at the Armenian Church Of Our Saviour in Worcester. Dr. Tigran
    Dolukhanyan translated Tshagharyan's comments which were in Armenian.

    Prior to the talk, Worcester's Mayor Joseph Petty presented the key to
    the city to Mr. Tshagharyan and praised Tshagharyan's effort at
    preserving Armenia's historical heritage and cultural legacy. In
    return, Mr. Tshagharyan presented the mayor with a book on Yerevan (in
    English) together with a desktop Armenian flag and a flag with
    Yerevan's insignia. He invited the mayor to visit Yerevan as his

    The oldest layer of the Shengavit archaeological site is a Neolithic
    settlement (late Stone Age) with remains of buildings and artifacts
    from the daily living of its inhabitants dating to 3500-4000 BC. Since
    that time the site has been continuously inhabited, later becoming
    part of the Urartun Empire, and then part of the early Armenian
    kingdoms. The site has revealed ancient homes of the inhabitants,
    tools, animal bones, grave sites, and flour which amazingly have been
    preserved to this date. Mr. Tshagharyan described the history of the
    site and its importance for the study of regional civilization as
    Shengavit had cultural and trade relations over a wide area.

    Mr. Tshagharyan has been director of the site for about 3 years and
    has extensive experience in managing Armenia's ancient historic
    monuments. Shengavit was originally excavated in the 1930 but most
    recently has been largely ignored with zero funding by both the
    Armenia and Yerevan governments. During the last few years excavations
    have resumed there but with no funding for maintaining the site,
    including its small but interesting museum. About two years ago the
    Cambridge Yerevan Sister City Association (CYSCA) initiated a plan to
    financially help with site preservation and renovation. Since that
    time much progress has been made but much more needs to be done to
    make the site visitor friendly.

    Following the formal part of the talk, a long and lively question and
    answer session ensued, after which both the Knights and Daughters of
    Vartan presented details of many programs they help fund. Both the
    Avak Sbarabed of the Knights, Mr. Nighogos Artinizian, and the Avak
    Dirouhie of the Daughters of Vartan, Agnes Sahagian, gave reports on
    recent activities and accomplishments. The Knights of Vartan concluded
    with a generous donation to Shengavit through the Cambridge Yerevan
    Sister City Association.

    From: A. Papazian