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Baku & Moscow did not wish to reach an agreement: Gabala closed

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  • Baku & Moscow did not wish to reach an agreement: Gabala closed

    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    May 24, 2013 Friday


    by Sokhbet Mamedov
    Source: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, May 21, 2013, p. 1

    Russia will give up the radar station in Azerbaijani Gabala.

    Completion of activity of the Azerbaijani-Russian state commissions
    created because of expiry of the time of rent of the Gabala radar
    station in December of 2012 is planned in the near future. Head of the
    Azerbaijani state commission, Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan
    Khalaf Khalafov, reported this. According to him, the entire necessary
    organizational work is completed.
    Khalafov adds, "It is necessary only to complete the process of
    withdrawal of movable property of Russia from Azerbaijan. For this
    purpose we have organized special flights of cargo airplanes that fly
    directly to Gabala." Along with this, he emphasized that agreements
    about all issues were achieved with the Russian party.

    A source in the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan says that the process
    of withdrawal of movable property of Russia from Gabala should be
    fully completed by August of 2013.

    The information analytical center was operated by the Russian party
    only for information analysis purposes. The staff of the station did
    not exceed 1,500 people. Its air defense was provided by the air
    defense forces of Azerbaijan. Moscow paid $7 million per year for the
    leased real estate and movable property.

    A long time before expiry of the rent period the parties organized a
    bilateral commission for the purpose of prolongation of the agreement
    signed in January of 2002 in Moscow. Some issues remained the stepping
    stone at these negotiations. The most important thing was that Baku
    demanded rental rate a few hundreds of percents bigger than the
    initial amount. As a result, the parties failed to reach an agreement
    and the Gabala radar station stopped its operations since December 10
    of 2012.

    Various estimates of the reasons of stopping of rent of the Gabala
    radar station sound now including the size of the rental rate are
    voiced now. However, the expert community of Azerbaijan is not
    inclined to think that the reason is so commonplace. According to
    analyst Emin Abdullayev, "Time when tens or even hundreds of millions
    of dollars have been considered some astronomic amount for Azerbaijan
    is gone." So, in this case this is most likely a matter of principle.
    Due to understandable reasons Baku could not look at the regime of
    most favored partner granted by Moscow to Yerevan in military
    cooperation indifferently.

    Emin Abdullayev asks, "If Armenia can receive air defense missile
    systems S-300 from Russia free of charge in exchange for free rent of
    the territory under the 102nd base by Russia, which is a kind of
    barter, why cannot Azerbaijan that has bought the same systems from
    Russia for $300 million compensate for its expenses leasing its Gabala
    radar station to Russia for the same price?"
    In any case, this thought is not new. In a recent interview to
    television channel Russia-24 President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev
    pointed at two reasons that persuaded Baku to increase the rental rate
    of the Gabala radar station.

    The President said that to some extent this would be a compensation
    for the past ten years because during that time "Azerbaijan never
    raised the issue of revision of the price although everyone and I
    think people in Russia too understood that the price was, to put this
    mild, symbolic."

    Aliyev remarked, "Simultaneously with this, the wish to increase the
    rental rate was also substantiated by the fact that huge process began
    in the military technological cooperation between Azerbaijan and
    Russia in the last five to six years and these purchases were counted
    in billions of dollars. We buy Russian military hardware at an
    international price. We think that if we buy at an international price
    and if we do all other payments at the international price the rental
    rate should correspond or be very close to this."

    [translated from Russian]
