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Yegparian: SpitRain VI

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  • Yegparian: SpitRain VI

    SpitRain VI

    A Glod Mine in Armenia


    It has been almost three years since any person or organization won the
    much-coveted `SpitRain' award, but boy-oh-boy does this winner deserve
    in a grand way. You'll remember Spit-Rain comes from the Armenian saying,
    `He's so shameless, if you spit in his face, he'd think it's rain.'

    The winner is Deno Gold Mining Company (operating a gold mine in Ghapan), a
    wholly owned subsidiary of Dundee Precious Metals (DPM), a Canadian company
    whose stock is traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange. It might be time for
    that market to review whether or not DPM should retain its listing, given
    the behaviors it is tolerating by its subsidiary.

    Mining is a dirty industry, there's just no way around that reality.
    However, it is possible to minimize the damage it causes to the environment
    and the people employed in the mines by using enlightened practices and
    paying attention to safety.

    But, Deno Gold seems to have chosen the opposite path, opting for a
    worst-practices approach.

    In this case, Deno Gold has decided to sue Yeghia Nersesian for slander.
    You will recall that Yeghia is the environmental and civic society activist
    who visited the Los Angeles area in December of 2012. According to Deno
    Gold, his `transgression' occurred when Yeghia reported that the Deno Gold
    uses electro-shock on its employees (it's not clear to me how this is
    applied, or if this refers to the use of a taser) to keep them working.
    Now, this fine, upstanding company is worried about its good name and wants
    the `slander' corrected.

    You might wonder why this same company didn't get worked up into a lather
    when this was reported well over two years ago in the media in the Republic
    of Armenia (RoA). The obvious conclusion is - Deno Gold didn't think that
    would get much play. But, our mine-lord does seem to be frothing at the
    mouth now that word is out in the Diaspora where broader segments of
    society might get wind of it.

    There's also speculation I've heard that Deno Gold is doing this at the
    behest of the RoA's government. Why would official Yerevan be interested
    doing this, you'll naturally wonder? Simple, Yeghia has been very effective
    at mobilizing people and drawing attention to a multitude of ills in the
    country that stem from misgovernment. Thus, silencing such a critic by
    saddling him with an onerous financial penalty, courtesy of Armenia's
    wonderfully `objective' courts, would suit the government's interest
    masking its failings.

    Whichever motive is the real one (or perhaps both are, or some other factor
    is), shame on Deno Gold!
    Write the offender and its parent. If you live in Canada, especially
    Toronto, you might even write your local newspapers about this. Give them a
    piece of your mind. Tell them how obscene you think it is that they are
    setting up an unnecessary conflict between the conduct of their business
    and people's right to free speech.

    *Deno Gold (no independent website)*
    Deno Gold Mining Company CJSC
    18 Vardanants Street
    0010 Yerevan, Armenia
    374 285 59000

    1 Adelaide Street East
    Suite 500, P.O. Box 195
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5C 2V9
    416/365-9080 fax
    [email protected]
