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Zurabyan: Agreement for increase of gas price was signed months ago

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  • Zurabyan: Agreement for increase of gas price was signed months ago

    Levon Zurabyan `Agreement for the increase of gas price was signed months ago'

    Fri, 05/24/2013 - 21:19

    The agreement with the Russia side for the gas supplies with the new
    tariff agreement was signed at least before April 1. This information
    was intentionally hidden from the public as Armenian was going through
    pre-election campaign. During May 24 briefing such an opinion was
    expressed by the head of `Armenian National Congress' parliamentarian
    fraction Levon Zurabyan.

    As an explanation, he said that during the discussion of the rise of
    gas price at the National Assembly the head of the Public Services
    Regulatory Commission Robert Nazaryan presented "sensational
    information", according to which the Commission received the bid about
    the increase of the prices on May 13, and the attached contract said
    that the tariff entered into force on April 1.

    Opposition MP did not exclude that the authorities were informed about
    the new tariff earlier, prior to the presidential elections, and they
    "have done manipulation", which means "falsified presidential and
    Yerevan municipal election, and shall be held responsible for that'.

    L.Zurabyan, in particular, recalled that on October 24 last year, the
    government planned to sell its 20 percent share to `ArmRusGazProm' for
    63 billion AMD, so that it is able to keep the price until April 1,
    but ANK raised the noise, and the decision was reviewed. According to
    him, there are "very good grounds" to declare that the agreement was
    `already signed' on October 24, or `at least there was an agreement
    with the Russian side'.


    From: A. Papazian