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Writer: every Turkish citizen has moral obligation to Genocide victi

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  • Writer: every Turkish citizen has moral obligation to Genocide victi

    Writer: every Turkish citizen has moral obligation to Genocide victims

    May 26, 2013 - 15:36 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Every citizen of Turkey has a moral obligation to
    the victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire, famed
    Turkish writer Murathan Mungansaid.

    At an Istanbul-hosted Democracy and Peace Conference, Mungan urged for
    an end to denial ahead of the Genocide 100th anniversary in 2015. `Not
    only Kurds and Turks, but Armenians as well live in this country. We
    all have a debt to the victims of the Genocide, and we have to cover
    it in 2015,' he stressed.

    The conference was initiated by Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk and Rakel
    Dink, the wife of the slain Turkish journalist or Armenian origin
    Hrant Dink.

    The event, which hosted representatives of Armenian, Turkish and
    Kurdish intellectual elite, focused on the settlement of the Kurdish
    issue as well as problems of Turkish Armenians, Agos daily said.
