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Estonia's Herkel: Frozen conflicts must not be forgotten

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  • Estonia's Herkel: Frozen conflicts must not be forgotten

    Baltic News Service / - BNS
    May 25, 2013 Saturday 11:53 AM EET

    Estonia's Herkel: Frozen conflicts must not be forgotten

    TALLINN, May 25, BNS - The so-called frozen conflicts must not be
    forgotten, the chairman of the monitoring committee of the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Andres Herkel, said
    at a working meeting of the committee in Tallinn on Friday.
    Herkel said the handling of the subject of so-called conflict regions
    tends to hit a wall because one of the parties, most often Russia, and
    Armenia in the case of the Karabakh conflict, is not interested in
    bringing up the subject. The monitoring committee held its last
    hearing on that in 2007. Herkel said it is important however not to
    let the topic pass into oblivion, spokespeople for the Estonian
    parliament said.

    "Forgetting and the wish to make the international community acquiesce
    to the so-called new reality is the very strategy by which Russia, for
    instance, is trying to get Abkhazia and South Ossetia even more under
    its influence," the Estonian MP said, recalling the words of Vladimir
    Socor who has said that Russia, which was instrumental in the
    emergence of the conflicts, is now seeking to take on the role of
    peacekeeper and arbiter.

    Herkel expressed regret that unlike the representatives of Georgia,
    Armenia, Azerbaijan and Moldova, the Russian members of the committee
    Leonid Slutski and Vyacheslav Fetisov were unable to attend the
    Tallinn hearing. "Unfortunately this too is a sign of unwillingness to
    solve these problems," he said.
