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Armenian politicians are against lie detectors

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  • Armenian politicians are against lie detectors

    Armenian politicians are against lie detectors
    Mon, 05/27/2013 - 19:12
    Trending topic

    In Russia lie detectors may be put into circulation to reveal corrupt
    government officials. RF State Duma already initiated legislative
    changes for that.

    It is known that the Russia innovations are quite widely used in
    Armenia and we tried to find out the opinion of our political figures
    about the possible application of lie detectors.

    The representative of the ruling Republican Party MP, Chairman of the
    Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gagik
    Minasyan is against following the Russian example.

    "I think the worst example in connection with the fight against
    corruption is Russia. It will be great if we do not use the Russian
    example in the fight against corruption. It is a state from which a
    lot can be learnt but not the fight against corruption ", in response
    to the question of "Fastinfo" Gagik Minasyan said.

    Davit Sanasaryan from `Heritage' party is also against lie detector
    but for another reason. He thinks that there is no need of spending
    additional finances on that sphere as everything is clear even without
    that. `There is no need to reveal corruption with lie detectors'- D.
    Sanasaryan said, adding `Every citizen can say who they are: name by

    The head of ARF faction Armen Rustanyan thinks that in the fight
    against corruption even lie detectors will not help, for the simple
    reason that there is no fight against corruption in the country at
    all. `Nothing will help, as there should be fight against corruption
    so that detectors are used, there is no fight' - Armen Rustamyan

