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Turkey's neighbors have to confront Sunni integration

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  • Turkey's neighbors have to confront Sunni integration

    Turkey's neighbors have to confront Sunni integration - political analyst

    May 27, 2013 | 17:29

    YEREVAN. -Turkey's neighbors will have to confront the Sunni
    integration, political analyst Sergey Kurginyan said.

    The alliance of Sunni states supported by the United States has
    launched an active struggle in the Middle East, he said, speaking in
    Politologists' Union of Armenia on Monday.

    `The strategic alliance of radical Sunni Islamism - not Islam which I
    respect, but Islamism - is obvious. In any territory to which we pay
    attention, we see evidence of this, including Iran. It's time to
    finally see that the Taliban and al-Qaeda are the main allies of the
    United States. Now they are dividing Taliban into `peaceful' and
    `non-peaceful'. Have you seen a peaceful Talib?' he said.

    The expert stressed we should not forget that Turkey is a major Sunni state.

    `How will states with rich history, but a small area and a small
    population, respond to the integration of Sunni forces actively
    supported by the United States? The answers to these questions must be
    found,' Kurginyan said.

    He noted that even Israel, in spite of all its strategic interests,
    begins to support the invasion of Sunni forces into Syria.

    `This is the influence of pressure. And the pressure is caused by the
    fact that the U.S. did not have enough forces to establish the world
    order,' he added.

    News from Armenia -

    From: Baghdasarian