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HRW: Azerbaijani authorities use drug possession charges to silence

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  • HRW: Azerbaijani authorities use drug possession charges to silence

    HRW: Azerbaijani authorities use drug possession charges to silence critics

    May 27, 2013 | 16:41

    Azerbaijani authorities are using spurious drug possession charges to
    lock up political activists critical of the government, Human Rights
    Watch said today.

    Human Rights Watch documented four recent cases, in three of which the
    detainees alleged ill-treatment in police custody.

    `Using bogus drug possession charges to silence critical voices is not
    new, but the latest cases are part of an intensified government
    campaign against its critics as elections grow near,' said Giorgi
    Gogia, senior South Caucasus researcher at Human Rights Watch. `These
    arrests and beatings send a very clear message to anyone who wants to
    engage in serious activism.'

    The authorities should conduct independent and effective inquiries
    into the ill-treatment allegations and release the activists, pending
    independent review of the charges, Human Rights Watch said.

    News from Armenia -
