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Chechen Leader Slams Killing of Tsarnaev Affiliate

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  • Chechen Leader Slams Killing of Tsarnaev Affiliate

    Chechen Leader Slams Killing of Tsarnaev Affiliate
    Topic: Boston Marathon Explosions

    Ibrahim Todashev
    © Orlando County Sheriff's Office
    21:01 27/05/2013

    GROZNY, May 27 (RIA Novosti) - Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has
    described the Chechen immigrant killed in the US last week by FBI
    agents amid questioning over his connection to the alleged Boston
    bombers as `a good guy.'

    Ibragim Todashev, 27, a US green-card holder of Chechen origin, was
    shot dead Wednesday when he allegedly attacked an FBI agent with a
    knife during questioning at his home in Orlando, Florida. Media
    reported that Todashev had verbally confessed to participating in an
    unsolved 2011 triple murder in which investigators are seeking a
    connection to brothers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who are accused
    of organizing the Boston Marathon bombings that killed three on April

    `I want to stress that the Tsarnaev brothers have no relation to the
    Chechen republic, they are US citizens. As for Ibragim Todashev, he
    was a good guy,' Kadyrov told reporters in the Chechen capital of

    Todashev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who also had Chechen roots, knew each
    other through the Chechen community in Boston, where Todashev once
    lived and where they went to the same gym. But Todashev was not
    friends with Tsarnaev, who was killed in a shootout with police four
    days after the Boston bombings, said Rene Manukyan, Todashev's widow.

    Kadyrov said Todashev's father, Abdul-Baki Todashev, who is a
    department head in the mayor's office in Grozny, was a `decent and
    educated person.' After learning about his son's killing, the father
    said Ibragim was innocent and announced his plans to go to the US to
    seek the truth.

    The Chechen leader criticized US policy, describing it as `double standards.'

    `When killings happen in America, the Americans start making an
    international fuss about them, but when terrorist attacks happened in
    Russia and innocent people died, the Americans showed no interest,'
    the Chechen republic's outspoken leader said.
