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IPA Calls for Immediate Release of Publishers and Writers in Turkey

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  • IPA Calls for Immediate Release of Publishers and Writers in Turkey


    IPA Calls for Immediate Release of Publishers and Writers in Turkey

    Geneva, 24 May 2013 - As the next hearing of the trial of Ragıp and Deniz
    Zarakolu opens on 27 May, the International Publishers Association (IPA)
    continues to urge the Turkish authorities to drop all charges against both
    publishers and release Deniz Zarakolu, who has been detained for close to
    600 days without a verdict, immediately.

    Publishers Ragıp and Deniz Zarakolu were among more than 40 people arrested
    in October 2011 under the then Koma Civaken Kurdistan (KCK) investigation,
    a crackdown on pro-Kurdish circles, which has seen scores of writers,
    journalists, and publishers detained following thousands of arrests over
    the past two years.
    IPA believes that Ragıp and Deniz Zarakolu, and several other writers
    intellectuals, including academic BüÅ=9Fra Ersanlı, linguist Mulazim Ozcan,
    writers Aziz Tunc and AyÅ=9Fe Berktay, are charged solely because of their
    publications, which violates Turkey's international human rights

    Deniz Zarakolu, a publisher, writer, translator, and PhD student
    specializing in political science at Bilgi University, is charged with
    `being a member of an illegal organisation' and risks up to twelve years in
    prison if found guilty. He was arrested on 7 October 2011, and has detained
    ever since, after giving a lecture at the Political Science Academy of the
    pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy (BDP) opposition party. This party is
    legal, and such party-affiliated research academies are common in Turkey.
    His father, iconic publisher Ragıp Zarakolu, is charged with `aiding and
    abetting an illegal organisation' and is threatened with up to fifteen
    years in prison. He was released on 10 April 2012 following 160 days spent
    in a high security prison on pre-trial detention. He risks between 7.5 and
    15 years in prison.

    IPA's Freedom to Publish Committee Chair, Bjørn Smith-Simonsen commented:
    `Deniz and Ragıp Zarakolu are outspoken, peaceful publishers.
    Thinking that
    their publishing activity encourages the violent pursuit of political
    agendas is a violation of their human rights. IPA therefore urges the
    Turkish authorities to drop all charges against Deniz and Ragıp Zarakolu as
    soon as possible, and calls on the Turkish authorities to secure the
    immediate release of Deniz who spent close to 600 days in prison without a

    `Turkey is a signatory of international human rights treaties and is
    therefore under the obligation to observe individuals' human rights. IPA
    remains concerned that these rights will be denied to the Zarakolus, and
    several other intellectuals, including BüÅ=9Fra Ersanlı and AyÅ=9Fe Berktay, who
    are also defendants in the KCK case. The definition of terrorism in
    Turkey's Anti-Terrorism Law (ATL) should be seriously narrowed so as to put
    an end to abuses'.

    Background Information:

    Deniz Zarakolu wrote books on Thomas Hobbes and the Turkish justice system.
    He also translated Hobbes' De Cive (`On the Citizen'). He worked at the
    Belge publishing house. He had previously been arrested and charged with
    `inciting revenge or hatred' over a speech he gave in 2002
    at the funeral
    of his mother AyÅ=9Fe Nur Zarakolu, a founding member of the Belge publishing
    house, although he was later acquitted.

    In June 2012, the 29th IPA Congress adopted a resolution `rejecting the
    abuse of broad definitions of terms such as defamation, state security,
    state secrecy, or terrorism as dangerous inroads for censorship, harassment
    of the media, and undemocratic influencing (...)'. Sadly, Turkey's strict
    anti-terror legislation (ATL) illustrates the resolution above only too
    well. The broadness of ATL has allowed the Turkish authorities to curtail
    the freedom of expression of many in Turkey, including publishers who have
    for a long time advocated freedom to publish for all publishers and
    writers. This is particularly true of the Zarakolus. The definition of
    terrorism in Article 1 of ATL should be narrowed and several other
    provisions of ATL should be either repealed (Article 6/2) or amended
    (Article 7/2).

    The various cases against the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) are
    ongoing. In Istanbul there are two KCK cases, including the KCK Press Case
    where all of the defendants are journalists or media workers and the
    evidence against them is strictly related to their normal, daily
    journalistic activities. 44 people have been charged, 24 of them are still
    in prison. The next hearing is scheduled for 17-19 June 2013 in Silivri. In
    the other Istanbul case, concerning the Zarakolus, a total of 205
    defendants are standing trial. The next hearing is scheduled for 27 May-7
    June 2013 in Silivri.

    For more information, please visit:`4a89e2e13ccd381d1c47e5d&id=72621d12d7&e=55 57503f63

    53, rue de Pavie
    1000 BRUXELLES

    Tel: (32-2) 215 35 76
    Fax: (32-2) 215 58 60

    From: Baghdasarian