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CENN: Switzerland Publishes New Development Coop Strategy So Caucasu

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  • CENN: Switzerland Publishes New Development Coop Strategy So Caucasu

    Caucasus Environmental NGO Network
    28, Chovelidze street
    Tbilisi, 380008, GEORGIA
    Tel: ++ 995 32 99 63 28, 995 99 57 77 22
    E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

    Switzerland has Published its New Development Cooperation Strategy South
    Caucasus 2013 - 2016

    The long-term development objective of the Swiss Cooperation in the South
    Caucasus will contribute to a peaceful transition towards democracy and
    inclusive economic growth.

    Building on the experiences of past years, the new strategy reflects
    Switzerland's broader initiatives in the region in terms of mediation and
    good offices. Three priority domains have been defined to which the Swiss
    government is contributing its core competences, thereby further enhancing
    the coherence and efficiency of Switzerland's support for sustainable
    development in the region. The largest domain in terms of funding is
    Economic Development and Employment. Assistance will focus on market
    development for agricultural value chains with a strong emphasis on
    enhancing vocational skills, improving the framework conditions for the
    financial and private sectors, and providing livelihood support to
    vulnerable population groups. Second, Governance and Public Services domain
    will support the role of sub-national authorities in fostering regional
    development (incl. disaster management). This takes into account the
    transition agenda for delegating more competences to lower tiers of
    government, developing more democratic processes, and creating a more
    efficient and accountable state. Third, the Human Security and Protection
    domain encompasses support to conflict transformation processes coupled with
    assistance to cover the basic humanitarian needs of vulnerable population
    groups which can be increased in case of conflict resurgence or a major
    natural disaster. Switzerland will focus its support on protection,
    confidence and peace building through mediation, facilitation and political

    Outside of the three core domains, Switzerland will finance projects
    addressing labor migration and regional art and culture projects supporting
    contemporary art as an important pillar of an inclusive and dynamic society.

    The Swiss cooperation in the South Caucasus dates back to the devastating
    earthquake in 1988 in the North of Armenia. Since then, Switzerland has
    progressively intensified cooperation in the entire region. In particular,
    the complementarities between technical and financial long-term assistance
    on the one hand and humanitarian aid and peace-building measures on the
    other have proven to be an asset of Switzerland's support to the South
    Caucasus region.

    While pursuing an overall regional development goal, Switzerland will mainly
    implement its programme at the national level. It will continue working with
    a range of partners, namely with authorities at all state levels, civil
    society organisations, the private sector, and multilateral organisations.
    The official development assistance offered by Switzerland will be in line
    with the priorities of the three national governments and delivered through
    aid modalities which can be adapted towards new requirements.

    The total financial resources allocated for the Coop-eration Strategy South
    Caucasus 2013-2016 will be around USD 122 million.

    More information about the Swiss development programme in the South Caucasus
    can be downloaded at
