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Armen Martirosyan: Another Situation Similar To Death Of Soldier Luk

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  • Armen Martirosyan: Another Situation Similar To Death Of Soldier Luk


    ArmInfo's interview with Armen Martirosyan, Deputy Chairman of Heritage Party

    by David Stepanyan

    Thursday, May 30, 12:36

    It has been argued recently in Armenia that the public must fight
    for its rights through civil movements amid degrading oppositional
    political parties. We'd like to listen to the opinion of an

    Incidentally, many statements by some representatives of the so-called
    civil movements, saying that the opposition is weak, incapable and
    seeks power only with a purpose to spoil the people, coincide with
    the statements by the authorities. I'd like to recall that it was
    the Heritage party that was at the origins of the civil movement
    in Armenia. When the people had any complaint or displeasure, we
    were next to them and were trying to get observance of their civil
    rights. Certainly, in some cases the power represented by the RPA
    members has counterarguments against the opposition, represented by
    the ANC. The authorities say that they learned from the former power,
    the current opposition, how to falsify elections. In this context,
    Heritage is the only party against which such argumentation is
    senseless, taking into account the fact that Heritage party has never
    been a part of the power, and has never broken the law. There are no
    medium-sized or big businessmen among the Heritage party members. For
    this reason, any clash of interests is also ruled out.

    Taking into consideration such an invincibility, the authorities
    have nothing else to do than from time to time to blame us for
    "being guided from outside", although according to the results of
    the last presidential election, we see that just the RPA appeals to
    the opinion "from outside". The only argument of the RPA in favor of
    Serzh Sargsyan's victory were the congratulations and recognition
    of the results of the presidential election by the leaders of
    several countries. At the same time, they did not want to remember
    that in its final report on the presidential election in Armenia,
    the OSCE ODIHR characterized the authorities of the republic like
    partycrats. In the meanwhile, partycracy makes impossible free,
    fair and transparent elections.

    Well, where does it concern civil movements?

    Those wishing to organize a civic movement in Armenia must stop trying
    to reinvent the wheel. The civilized world has long proved that the
    best weapon of political struggle is a political party. As a rule,
    civic movements are not independent and are sponsored and guided by
    political forces. So, those calling themselves civic movements and
    saying that the times of political parties have gone are just trying
    to sling mud at the opposition and Heritage Party.

    Did the civic movements bear any relations to the protest actions in
    Armavir region, protests of the parents of killed soldiers etc?

    All of the recent protest actions were just a spontaneous expression
    of people's displeasure rather than a specific campaign organized by
    civic movements. It is not they who have made people active. People
    are active because they have run out of patience. Heritage was by
    their side during all of the actions. Our duty is to support them.

    However, globally, there are no civic movements in Armenia.

    The Authorities have found themselves in rather hard situation
    following the latest social and economic challenges. How will the
    government settle the emerging problems?

    I think the Government will not solve our problems because it cannot
    and does not want to do it. The point is that their interests do not
    coincide with the interests of their people. While banks worldwide
    were facing a crisis, Armenian banks were recording growing profits
    - as much as 28% in 2012 alone. This was achieved at the expense of
    the economy, while normally banks should be drivers of economy. Our
    foreign debt is swelling to a dangerous size, but our regime is doing
    nothing to stop this. They are not willing to lose their profits,
    and so, they will be just maneuvering. The Government's decision
    to partly subsidize the gas tariff was unacceptable. How can they
    equally subsidize a millionaire who spends thousands of US dollars
    to heat his palace and a pensioner who can hardly find 1,000 AMD for
    his small flat?

    What do you think of the prime minister's idea to subsidize the rise
    in the gas price via issue of Eurobonds?

    Prime Minister's idea to subsidize 30% of the rise in the gas tariff
    by issuing eurobonds is just an attempt to mask one more increase in
    the country's foreign debt.

    What do you think of the aggravating domestic political and social
    situation in Armenia?

    If such a social and economic situation arose in other more
    civilized than Armenia countries, it would open a direct way to the
    revolution. The ratio between the incomes of wealthy people to the
    poor ones by four and even six times is considered to be normal,
    from six to eight times - dangerous, and from eight and more - may
    cause revolution. According to the official data, in Armenia the
    ratio between wealthy and poor people is twenty to one. The total
    of 600 thsd poor families have been living in Armenia, according
    to the official data, there are the families with medium income and
    rich families are just 100,000. So, there are many preconditions for
    making revolution in Armenia. But taking into account some obstacles,
    it is not clear if a revolution is possible in Armenia or not. First
    of all, it is not clear if the Armenian society itself is ready for
    revolution. It is not clear either, what direction external levers
    will work to, as till today, thanks to infringing upon the national
    interest, our foreign partners were just protecting and supporting the
    authorities. For their part, the authorities expressed readiness to
    settle the Karabakh conflict on the basis of the "Madrid principles",
    they also signed the Zurich protocols and in general it has become a
    tradition for them to incline head at a whistle from outside to the
    detriment of the national interests of Armenia. The possibility of
    the opposition consolidation causes many problems. I am confident that
    in case of consolidation, an absolutely new situation will appear in
    Armenia, when the authorities will find themselves in a situation not
    to be able to make a step without adoption of extraordinary decisions.

    Nevertheless, the statement by the head of the IMF mission in
    Armenia, Mark Horton, and resident representative of IMF in Armenia,
    Guillermo Tolosa, in which they called on the Armenian authorities
    to make radical reforms, are rather symptomatic for the authorities
    of Armenia in this context. The external challenges, the explosive
    situation in the region and in the Karabakh conflict, all this may
    become the reason of revolt in the republic. I did not want to say
    about that, but repetition of the situation similar to the death of
    a soldier Luks Stepanyan may spark a revolution in Armenia. This time
    the authorities managed to neutralize the spark, but it is not clear
    if they will manage to do that next time.
