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Is New Scandal Coming Up?

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  • Is New Scandal Coming Up?


    Recently the ambassador of Poland Zdzislaw Raczynski has made a
    sensational statement while dwelling on the EU-Armenia Association
    Agreement. "I am sure this agreement is known to our Russian
    counterparts, and they know this is just a regulatory document." He
    also said that the signatories are the European Commission and Armenia
    and, as far as he knows, none of the sides has rejected it, and it
    is still on the table though for the time being there is no progress.

    The deputy minister of foreign affairs of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanyan
    who used to be the chief negotiator of the Association Agreement on the
    Armenian side has stated at the National Assembly that this agreement
    does not contain any clause limiting the sovereignty of Armenia.

    Yesterday it was painful to listen to Zohrab Mnatsakanyan who is one
    of the rare professionals of Armenian diplomacy. In fact, he was not
    given an opportunity to inform the public regularly on the process
    and details of the negotiations to bring clarity into the prospects
    of Armenia headed for the EU.

    Instead, the Russian "agency" in Armenia was doing a campaign over
    the period, using the language of blackmail and threats, presenting
    association with the EU as a threat hanging over Armenia's head.

    It turns out that the Armenian side has not been allowed to talk
    about the agreement. Instead, the Russian agency is presenting it in
    the light that favors Russia.

    The reason why Moscow resorted to blackmail and threats was its
    awareness of the meaning of association to Armenia's future. And they
    got to work, banning publication of the text of the agreement when
    the European side urged to publish it.

    The announcement of the ambassador of Poland was a sensation in
    the sense that the details of the agreement were known to "Russian
    counterparts". Now the question occurs why the Russian side or just
    a third country was aware of the negotiations between the European
    Commission and Armenia while the Armenian public was deprived of a
    chance to get acquainted with the text.

    Who was the "conductor" of Moscow's policy in Armenia and how did
    the Russian side learn about the details of the talks?

    There are rumors that the Armenian embassies in leading states provide
    "leakages" to the Russian embassies. It is not understood why there
    was a need to pass information to the Russians indirectly. Now it is
    already clear why. The third country is Belarus through whose pipes
    information was passed (one can remember the behavior of Lukashenko
    and his Armenian friends).

    Yesterday the members of parliament asked deputy minister of foreign
    affairs Shavarsh Kocharyan whether the MFA is going to address the
    outrageous comments on the First Russian Channel. Shavarsh Kocharyan
    said they did not take any measures publicly but "they have found
    out through their pipes that whatever was said during that TV show
    was not the official stance of Russia".

    It's funny, isn't it? If not tragedy, of course. In any normal
    country the MFA would be dissolved after such a statement, at least
    for inaction, while the law enforcement agencies would start taking
    interest in their leadership. However, Moscow will not allow this to
    happen because the Armenian MFA is a wonderful source of information
    and a harmless "branch office" with jammed "pipes".

    The minister of foreign affairs has left for Germany, the country where
    he negotiated with EU officials on further relations with the EU. It
    is interesting whether the Germans or diplomats of other European
    countries will tell him anything confidential. Or will they prefer
    telling Moscow directly which learns news about Yerevan earlier than
    these news get to Yerevan. If they ever get there at all.

    Haik Aramyan 11:55 01/11/2013 Story from News:
