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Arno Klarsfeld: The Holocaust would not have occurred if the Armenia

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  • Arno Klarsfeld: The Holocaust would not have occurred if the Armenia

    Istanbul: International Seminar on Teaching the Holocaust
    Arno Klarsfeld: The Holocaust would not have occurred if the Armenian
    genocide was sanctioned

    Translated from French

    As part of the Aladdin Project, to teach and encourage dialogue and
    understanding between Jews, Muslims, through the dissemination of
    knowledge and the promotion of the history of the Holocaust and its
    lessons from the Arab-Muslim populations organization non-government
    based in Paris, in cooperation with the United States Holocaust
    Memorial Museum in Washington (USHMM) and with the support of
    International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), an
    intergovernmental organization founded in 1998, an international
    seminar was held on 23 and October 24 at the Galatasaray University in
    Istanbul (Press release, see link at bottom of page).

    Several speakers, academics and officials spoke, including lawyer Arno
    Klarsfeld, which we publish the speech in its entirety.

    Why is it important to teach the Holocaust even in countries where it
    has not occurred

    In January 1942, at the Wannsee Conference which brought
    administratively up the final solution of the Jewish question had been
    invited major directors or representatives of most departments of the
    Reich under the leadership of Heydrich who in July 1941 Göring had
    entrusted the preparation of the final solution of the Jewish question
    in Europe.

    Eichmann office 4-AB Sicherheit Polizei Sipo SD Sicherheit Dienst, who
    was in charge and the expert since the mid-30s the Jewish problem had
    drawn up a list of European countries to whom was the number of Jewish
    men, women and children to exterminate.

    All European countries were listed, of course Germany, France,
    Hungary, Poland, Romania, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg but also
    Ireland, England, Switzerland ... and even Turkey in Europe with
    55,000 Jews.

    So if Nazi Germany had won the war these communities spared t have
    also been exterminated and all eleven million European Jews were

    As if the panzers of Rommel's Panzer divisions had reached the Suez
    Canal and were 'embedded in the Middle East and Palestine, the men of
    Sipo and SD have followed the Jewish families who lived there would
    have been exterminated.

    It is primarily a drama of European civilization. The Holocaust was
    executed by an essentially police operation took place on the European
    continent under German leadership and everywhere with local
    accomplices except neutral, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden,
    which were indirectly complicit if only by backflow or refusal.
    Westerbock of Holland, of Mechelen, Belgium, in the Drancy France,
    Fossoli di Carpi in Italy, Copenhagen, Oslo, Berlin, Vienna,
    Luxembourg, the Baltic States, Poland, Hungary, Bohemia, Moravia,
    Slovakia, Greece, Corfu, Rhodes, Macedonia, Thrace, Croatia, Serbia,
    Ukraine went convoys loaded with Jewish families who were heading
    towards the center of Europe. There were implanted huge
    slaughterhouses created to liquidate the people who had the name:
    Auschwitz, Birkenau, Treblinka, Sobibor, Majdanek, Belzec, Chelmno,
    Stutthof. Millions more Jews were killed by hunger, cold,
    physiological misery in many ghettos, like the Warsaw or lods in many
    camps, such as Transnistria, Dachau, Buchenwald or even Gurs "free
    zone" of Vichy massacred in mass graves such as those at Babi Yar or
    Ponar, asphyxiated in gas vans which operated from the Baltic to the
    Adriatic shot roadside in steps death that preceded the release of so
    few survivors.

    It is a drama of Christian civilization. The Holocaust took place on a
    continent where, with the exception of Jews and some Muslims in Bosnia
    and Kosovo, all Europeans were Christians, Catholics, Protestants and
    Orthodox. The teaching of contempt for so long provided by
    Christianity facilitated the task of the organizers of the "final
    solution of the Jewish question" by the indifference of those who did
    not take part in but which were opposed to the point. The killing of
    two thirds of European Jews during a war that bloodied Europe recalls
    the massacre of the Jews blamed for the Great Plague of the fourteenth
    century and killed wherever spreading the epidemic. In these
    circumstances, the middle of the fourteenth century and the
    mid-twentieth a long and powerful anti Jewish campaign formerly
    conducted by the excesses of Christianity, and closer to us by the
    excesses of nationalism resulted in a period of crisis and anguish for
    the masses in the mass murder of European Jews This is a drama of
    Western civilization. The genocide was planned and organized in Europe
    by a State of West German state, a country, Germany, one of the most
    advanced in the world, the views economic, social, administrative,
    technical, and military cultural and intellectual.

    It is a genocide that struck the Jewish people, who revealed to the
    world monotheism, who created the moral law, the Bible, and gave birth
    to Christianity. The moral values in Judaism for thousands of years
    have become the moral values of Western democracies. From Pharaoh to
    Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin totalitarian and autocratic regimes are
    more or less persecuted the Jews and kept in substandard conditions.
    Republican revolutions (USA, France) released the Jews democracies
    gave them the opportunity to reach their full potential. By their
    culture and their memory so long suffered persecution, Jews generally
    wear their love of freedom and respect for the human person.

    So it is the entire West that is concerned with the Holocaust and in
    particular the European continent. It is not a tragedy involving the
    Muslim world, Africa, Asia or Latin America probably feel the need to
    erect monuments in honor of the people exterminated by the white
    settlers in the name of Christianity and the superiority of Western

    It should also be remembered, France and the fact, that was across the
    African continent black behavior of the major European powers, France
    and England in mind, the organization of the inhuman "treatment of
    niggers "and treated because they were born black. We remember
    criminal raids, killings of those who resisted and unnecessary
    separation of families, the terrible conditions of travel in the hold,
    the selection of suitable and unsuitable, forced labor in shackles,
    sanctions and mutilation, the statutory rape of black wives, abduction
    of children, unable to keep their original language and culture, the
    time of contempt and time skinning: all shared some European states
    continent arrogating the rights of white supermen, crowned with glory
    for having massacred hostile tribes and have brought their
    civilization they did not want.

    Yet the Holocaust challenges the universal consciousness because of
    its magnitude, it has revealed worrying about the man and the
    impotence of his exemplary only to prevent further massacres and
    genocides in other regions the world that the Western world. Until
    now, thanks to the war in Europe was banished from the continent. I
    hope that Europe will continue to ban the totalitarianism of the left
    and right. Also avoid economic crises and all the social and political
    upheavals unleashed the greatest fears, instincts, passions, violence,
    cruelty, war and death. Defend the values of a true political and
    social democracy and trying to expand the limits of our planet.

    So why is it important to teach about the Holocaust, even in countries
    where it has not occurred.

    I think it is important because it teaches various lessons of life and
    dignity.Why not bow to his own interests, learn to disobey, do not be
    swayed by propaganda, mimicry, maintain and strengthen critical
    thinking, not to be regimenting be tolerant, dear human dignity ...

    1. If the Holocaust could take place in Europe in the most educated
    people is that our civilization is priced is a varnish that can crack
    each crisis

    2. If the Holocaust was made possible mainly by men who had obtained
    degrees in law is that the teaching of the law is not taught to be

    3. If the Holocaust could happen as easily as it is because of the
    weight of propaganda, so it should be banned by law the speeches and
    writings that stigmatize and incites hatred.

    4. If the Holocaust was allowed to proceed without hardly anyone comes
    to the aid of Jews is that Israel is vital for the Jewish people.

    5. If the Holocaust could take place is mainly because of the morbid
    desire overkill but a man who was able to impose its will in an
    already totalitarian state, so we must cherish democracy.

    6. If the Holocaust was allowed to proceed it is also because everyone
    who was a cog in the process convinced that his responsibility was low
    or non-existent. This is why we must teach that part is to be

    7. Finally it is essential that nations recognize the mistakes they
    have committed, not to repent, no repents than what is personally
    responsible but because it illuminates the past and using that it is
    renewed not. France has done for his complicity in the Final Solution
    of the Jewish Question. It is commendable that Turkey do it for the
    genocide of the Armenians. If genocide was followed by international
    sanctions it is likely that the genocide against the Jews would not
    have occurred.

    Friday, November 1, 2013,
    Jean Eckian ©'398

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress