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Why internet in Armenia is `free', and the media `not free'

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  • Why internet in Armenia is `free', and the media `not free'

    Why internet in Armenia is `free', and the media `not free' (Video)

    November 1 2013

    `The first reason is the inertia of thinking. The methods that were
    applied by the Soviet authorities during 70 years, are now
    continuously applied to the media',- so replied Grigory Saghyan,
    Deputy of the Internet Society of Armenia NGO to the question of what the reason is that Armenia, according to various
    international studies, is one of the countries where the internet is
    free, but the media is not free. Our interlocutor believes that these
    methods in the internet are unable to operate, `these people know only
    the way to influence the media, and not the Internet.' To our
    specification whether on saying `those people' Mr. Saghyan is
    referring to the authorities of Armenia, he replied, `I mean those who
    influence. If you say that it is not free, it means that someone is
    influencing. On the other hand, there should be no specific influence
    on the print media, because they have very few circulations. But,
    there are electronic versions thereof, and having an impact on print
    media, you have the influence on e-version.' To our observation that
    there are already concerns about the control of the electronic media
    in our country, Mr. Saghyan responded, `I have not heard of talking
    about this kind of policy. In RF, the activities of some sites are
    restricted by legislative and administrative measures. For example,
    several officials are involved in this business, and based on their
    complaints and research, the sites are shut down.' To our question
    that soon we are going to join the Customs Union, perhaps, there will
    be an electronic control in our country in the context, Mr. Saghyann
    responded, `Customs Union is not going to change our sovereignty.
    Adaptability can refer only to the customs legislation, it will not
    refer to other laws.'

    Read more at:

    From: A. Papazian