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ANTELIAS: Message of HH Aram I to the 10th Assembly of the WCC

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  • ANTELIAS: Message of HH Aram I to the 10th Assembly of the WCC

    Catholicosate of Cilicia
    Communication and Information Department
    Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
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    PO Box 70 317


    Dear participants to the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches,

    We greet you warmly from the Catholicosate of Cilicia as you are convened
    in Busan for the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches.

    The 10th Assembly is an important landmark, a time to harvest the fruits
    of more than half a century of ecumenical work and a time to set the
    framework for the way forward.

    We vividly recall our involvement in the life and work of the World
    Council of Churches, and invite all of you to contribute to the ecumenical
    movement in general and the World Council of Churches in particular with
    renewed vision and firm commitment. Your gathering in South Korea brings to
    mind our memorable visit to Korea in1999 as moderator, when we witnessed the
    difficult life of a divided Korean Peninsula and the vigor of our member

    The 10th Assembly's prayerful theme, "God of life, lead us to justice and
    peace," resonates deeply in our thoughts and feelings as we write to you
    from the Middle East, where Christians are courageously responding to the
    challenges of injustice and war as obedient witnesses of our Lord Jesus
    Christ, encouraged by the words of the Prince of justice and peace: "Do not
    be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you
    the kingdom" (Luke 12.32). For Christians and Muslims in the Middle East,
    coexistence has always been expressed through a dialogue of life aimed at
    justice and peace.

    Life is a gift of God; it is also a God-given vocation to humanity. In
    our world today, however, life is destroyed daily by spiritual, physical,
    moral and environmental damage. Destroying life is a sin against God.
    Building awareness to protect life in all its aspects and expressions is
    integral to the church's mission and the way to justice and peace.
    Therefore, life, justice and peace are intertwined. True life implies
    justice and there can be no peace without justice. This holistic
    understanding is at the heart of the biblical teachings.

    In 2015, we shall commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide, which was perpetrated by Ottoman Turkey, and which today is still
    denied by the Republic of Turkey. We have asked the General Secretary, Rev.
    Olav Fykse Tveit, to mark this tragic event and ask for the prayers and
    solidarity actions of member churches.

    An Assembly of the World Council of Churches is a blessed occasion for
    prayer, celebration, reflection and deliberation. Protecting life, promoting
    justice and working for peace are at the core of the ecumenical vocation and
    missionary engagement of the church. This is, indeed the esse of being
    church and being ecumenical.

    With these thoughts in mind we join you in your prayers, "God of life,
    lead us to justice and peace."

    Aram I
    Catholicos of Cilicia

    4 November 2013
    Antelias - Lebanon

    From: A. Papazian