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MP Sees Anti-Iran Sanctions Beneficial For Developing Iranians' Tale

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  • MP Sees Anti-Iran Sanctions Beneficial For Developing Iranians' Tale


    Tasnim News Agency, Iran
    Nov 4 2013

    November 04, 2013 - 13:02 TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Sanctions which have
    been in place on Iran for most of the period since the 1979 Islamic
    Revolution have helped the nation's talents flourish, a prominent
    Iranian lawmaker noted.


    Head of the Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy
    Commission Alaeddin Borujerdi said on Sunday that the ongoing sanctions
    slapped against the Islamic Republic have allowed the Iranian people
    to develop their talents.

    "Through intelligent management, the Islamic Republic of Iran has made
    a lot of progress in diverse arenas with the sanctions in effect,"
    he said in a meeting with Head of the Armenia-Iran Parliamentary
    Friendship Group Galust Sahakyan in Tehran.

    In recent years the western governments have imposed new sanctions
    on Iran on the pretext that the country may be trying to develop
    a nuclear weapon capacity under the guise of its civilian nuclear
    program, an allegation strongly dismissed by Iran which states that
    it needs nuclear energy for generating electricity and other purely
    peaceful purposes.

    Many of the sanctions predate the nuclear dispute and some of them
    are as old as the Islamic system in Iran, and the US has always found
    pretexts to tighten the existing sanctions and impose new ones.

    On Sunday, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali
    Khamenei said that the US enmity towards Iran was not due to Iran's
    nuclear program, which he described as a "pretext for Americans,"
    but stressed that the US is opposed to "the entity of the Islamic
    Republic as well as the influence, credibility and might" of the
    system chosen by the Iranian nation.

    "Was there the issue of nuclear program when the US imposed sanction
    on Iran in the beginning of the revolution, or when it targeted an
    Iranian passenger aircraft and killed 290 people onboard it, did it
    have the nuclear program pretext?" asked the Leader.

    The Iranian legislator also touched on close ties between Tehran and
    Yerevan, and added, "Throughout the history, people of Iran and Armenia
    have always had amicable relations based on peaceful coexistence."

    The Armenian official, for his part, said his country regards Iran not
    only as a neighboring state, but also a friend and ally in regional
    and international scenes.

    Sahakyan also stated that the new atmosphere in Iran after the
    presidential election in June has opened up an opportunity for the
    European countries to start developing friendly interactions with

    Tehran and Yerevan enjoy a long-lasting friendship in various fields,
    including political and cultural affairs.

    Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, just one day after taking the office
    in August, announced that Tehran will focus efforts on strengthening
    relations with Armenia.

    "Tehran's effort will be focused on enhancement of relations (with
    Armenia) and raising the level of cooperation in all fields," Rouhani
    said in a meeting with his Armenian counterpart Serzh Sargsian,
    here in Tehran on August 5.

    He also pointed to cultural commonalities between the two neighboring
    countries, and said, "Relations between Iran and Armenia have been
    always friendly, close and on the basis of fulfillment of mutual
