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Sistema Armenia Music Program Struggles To Find Instruments

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  • Sistema Armenia Music Program Struggles To Find Instruments

    10:39 04/11/2013 " CULTURE

    50 children between the ages of 9 and 17 are waiting in line to
    join the Sistema Armenia Youth Orchestra (SAYO). With 2 cellos, 4
    basses and 4 violas the existing SAYO group of 40 young musicians can
    nearly double in size. Non-profit organization, ONEArmenia is using
    crowdfunding to buy them the instruments they need so they can stop
    waiting and start playing.

    Music schools are very common in Armenia. However, the vast majority
    of them use teaching methods that are individualistic, lacking the
    ability to work together for a common goal. That's where Sistema comes
    in. Sistema Armenia builds a community atmosphere where children learn
    to work together to create art. It also breaks away from old methods
    of teaching one on one in the classroom into the streets where art
    becomes public and for the people.

    "Armenia is so focused on soloists and doesn't give our kids much of an
    opportunity to work together," said Anna Mikaelian Meschian, Founder
    & Executive Director of SAYO. "Playing together in an orchestra is a
    very special and joyful experience, which requires us to listen to each
    other, to care about details, to communicate, and to overcome all kinds
    of difficulties together. Experiencing the power of a moment created
    in unity with others is really all the kids need. The hunger for this
    sort of way of thinking, working and living is palpable in Armenia."

    Anna was inspired by El Sistema, which was founded 38 years ago in
    a parking garage in Venezuela with 11 children. It now teaches music
    to 400,000 of Venezuela's poorest children, demonstrating the power
    of ensemble music to dramatically change the lives of thousands of
    youth while transforming the communities around them.

    Sistema Armenia has only just begun and has the potential to grow
    indefinitely - creating jobs and building communities with youth
    orchestras popping up all over Armenia. Who wouldn't want to be a
    part of that?

    ONEArmenia is a non-profit organization that crowd-funds and
    crowd-sources innovative projects that shift Armenia's educational,
    environmental, humanitarian and cultural progress forward. The
    ONEArmenia network makes it possible to not only raise money for
    a project based in Armenia as a worldwide community, but to also
    transparently report progress of projects from start to finish.
