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New Sunday School Books Released

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  • New Sunday School Books Released

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Chris Zakian
    Tel: (212) 686-0710
    E-mail: [email protected]

    November 5, 2013


    New Sunday School Books Released

    Curriculum is definitely a team effort. For each textbook, the Department
    prepared a "scope-and-sequence" or outline of lessons, and writers drafted
    the lessons in a constant back-and-forth with the project editor. The drafts
    were read for language, grammar, accuracy of Scripture references and lesson
    objectives. Then there was a final check with a clergy reader. (Even then,
    revisions continue as teachers provide additional insights while actually
    teaching from the material.)

    Once the text was set, lay-out began along with the search for
    photographs-already underway by contacting Sunday Schools for assistance.
    The artist and designer of the entire We Believe series, Armen Edgarian, is
    a prize-winning photographer and freelance designer, currently working for
    the Wall Street Journal. A native of Iran, Armen spent long hours looking
    for the right photos or composing them himself where necessary. Designing
    for each grade level with the appropriate balance of Armenian and Christian
    iconography was a challenge, but somehow each book achieved the perfect

    While the new We Believe series has been the work of a number of textbook
    writers and clergy working in close collaboration with project director
    Elise Antreassian, these two books are the first that draw on talents from
    the Western Diocese. Both Debbie Derderian (Grade Seven) and Yeretzgin Talin
    Petoyan (Grade Two), are members of the Christian Education Council of the
    Western Diocese (the CEC nurtures teachers and provides resources for the
    Sunday Schools of the Western Diocese; Debbie is Chair) and long involved as
    leaders and educators in the church.

    The Writers

    Yn.Talin Petoyan was born and raised in Burbank, California. A graduate of
    St. Peter Armenian Church Sunday School of Van Nuys, she was preparing to
    attend Law School when she decided to pursue her true calling of education.
    In 2001, she earned both her California Teaching Credential and M.A. in
    Elementary Education. Since then, she has taught grades K-3 in both private
    and public schools.

    Yeretzgin served as a counselor, dean, director and curriculum coordinator
    for the Western Diocese Summer Camp Program and taught Sunday School for
    over 20 years at various grade levels, serving as superintendent for 10 of
    those years. Since 2009, she lives in Southern California with her husband,
    Fr. Sarkis, pastor of St. Gregory Church in Pasadena, and their 6-year-old
    daughter, Grace Shenorig Verjeen. One of her greatest joys and
    accomplishments was leading 10 annual pilgrimages to Armenia with Fr.
    Sarkis, which resulted in the participation of over 250 pilgrims and the
    distribution of $360,000 in aid.

    "The most gratifying part of drafting the curriculum was seeing a scope and
    sequence outline blossom into a meaningful, creative, accessible, and
    updated book for our youth. There were two challenges. The first was
    establishing an exciting and interesting "hook" for each lesson, which would
    serve as a catalyst for discussion and lesson topic. Once the hook was done,
    the rest of the lesson fell into place beautifully.

    The other equally challenging aspect was making sure that the lesson
    material was age appropriate and inclusive of all children regardless of
    where they were in their faith formation.

    Having been a dedicated educator for so long, Yeretzgin is a passionate
    spokesperson."My deepest hope for our youth is that they will experience our
    faith with passion. The Armenian Church should continue its mission, making
    faith formation their number-one priority by providing exciting, engaging
    and user-friendly messages for our children."

    Debbie Derderian (Grade Seven) describes her faith experience as having
    spanned two unique cultures: the Roman Catholic where she was born, raised
    and educated and the Armenian Orthodox into which she married at the age
    of 19. She and her husband Bob eventually moved from their native New Jersey
    to California where they became members of St. John Garabed Armenian Church
    in San Diego.

    Debbie has served as a Parish Council member, Ladies' Society Chair, Parish
    Youth Advisor, and Sunday School teacher and is currently the Superintendent
    of Faith Formation for Children/Sunday School. She was a member of the
    Summer Camp Committee and for the past 11 years a member of the Christian
    Education Council. She received a Masters Certification in Catechesis
    through the Diocesan Institute of San Diego.

    She was recently appointed Parish Life Director at St. James Catholic Church
    where she has worked since 2000. She and Bob are blessed with two children,
    Robert and Dana, and 4 grandchildren.

    Debbie is eloquent when it comes to the importance of Christian education:
    "Jesus formed his disciples into a community of faith. He instructed them,
    prayed with them, and showed them how to live... After his death and
    Resurrection, they were commissioned, through the power of the Holy Spirit,
    to go out and teach all nations. The faithful of the Armenian Church are a
    link in that unbroken chain and responsible and privileged to witness a
    Christian way of life!"

    "Having the opportunity to participate in the creation of a faith-filled
    curriculum for our children was wonderful... and a humbling experience. It
    took much, much longer than I thought and I often felt that I lost
    continuity lesson to lesson. However, seeing the finished product I realized
    that I had a Divine partner speaking through my heart on each and every
    page. I am most grateful to have had the opportunity to be a link in the
    unbroken chain by proclaiming in print not what I know but Who I know!"

    To order the new curriculum books, contact the St. Vartan Bookstore at (212)


    Photos attached.
    Photo 1: Circles of Faith (Grade Two) is comprised of 28 full-color
    individual newsletter lessons.
    Photo 2: Surprised By Joy: Discovering God (Grade Seven) is designed for
    middle schoolers whose faith questions are explored in the context of real
