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BAKU: Azerbaijani Side Makes Strong Statement At Euronest PA Bureau

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijani Side Makes Strong Statement At Euronest PA Bureau


    Trend Daily News (Azerbaijan)
    November 2, 2013 Saturday 1:39 PM GMT +4

    Azerbaijan, Baku, Nov. 2 /Trend S.Ahmadova/

    Chairman of Azerbaijani Delegation to Euronest PA, Elkhan Suleymanov
    made a statement at the meeting of the Euronest PA Bureau, Suleymanov
    told media outlets on November 2.

    "Today here I give a difficult, but an important message for you and
    European Parliament. We are in a sensitive situation and unfortunately,
    have to react to series of unprecedented attacks against Azerbaijan in
    the organization, which we see as a place of friendship, confidence,
    and cooperation. Observation missions of European Parliament,
    PACE, OSCE PA, and others, except that of OSCE/ODIHR, evaluated the
    elections as free, transparent, fair and in accordance with OSCE and
    CoE standards. OSCE Chairman-in-Office supported the evaluation of
    these institutions," the statement said.

    Suleymanov noted that, unfortunately, in Article 32 of the resolution
    on European Neighborhood Policy adopted on October 23, 2013, the
    European Parliament stated that the elections did not meet OSCE
    standards, grounding on the results of a Bureau of OSCE (OSCE/ODIHR),
    by demonstrating disrespect and untrust to positive evaluation of
    its own observation mission.

    "There is a question: What is the actual position of European
    Parliament? Does it want to cooperate with Azerbaijan and create peace
    and stability in South Caucasus? Does it recognize its reports and
    delegation?! What is the aim of such abnormal situation against its
    partner, by ignoring own official observation mission, which is not
    common for practice of European Parliament and other international
    organizations?," Suleymanov's statement said. "I would like to note
    that we cannot accept groundless attacks, like the ones by Leonidas
    Donskis (ALDE, Lithuania), Ulrike Lunacek (Greens, Austria), Ana Gomes
    (S&D, Portugal), and Gerben Jan Gerbrandy - group of MEPs, which
    organize campaigns against Azerbaijan in the European Parliament,
    even before the elections by stating that there will be problems
    regarding the elections. This is our message for the European
    Parliament: improve the situation of your house before attacking
    others. We reproach the current situation of the European Parliament
    as an international institution".

    Suleymanov noted that, Azerbaijan had repeatedly addressed the
    leadership of the Euronest PA, expressing its objection to Armenian
    chairmanship until the peace is reached and stating that otherwise,
    it will stop its activity within EaP component of the Euronest PA
    during Armenian chairmanship.

    "Taking into consideration the above-mentioned, I state that
    Azerbaijani side:

    1. resolutely refuses the Article 32 of the resolution by the
    European Parliament regarding Presidential elections in Azerbaijan
    dated October 23, 2013, which seriously damages the image of its own
    observation mission and instigates diversion and unrests, and has to
    think about the format of further cooperation with the Euronest PA
    until the reasons of this Article are investigated and appropriate
    measures are taken


    2. Azerbaijan will stop its activity in this institution during the
    Armenian chairmanship of the Euronest PA from EaP component until
    the liberation of Azerbaijani territories from the occupation,"
    Suleymanov's statement said.

    It was noted that Suleymanov left the Bureau meeting as a protest to
    the Article 32 of the resolution by European Parliament.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress