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Azerbaijan Boycotts Euronest Following Its Election Evaluation U-Tur

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  • Azerbaijan Boycotts Euronest Following Its Election Evaluation U-Tur


    Nov 5 2013

    Nov 05, 2013

    KIEV, Ukraine - During the bureau meeting of the Euronest Parliamentary
    Assembly in Kiev, Ukraine, the head of Azerbaijan's delegation issued
    a statement explaining why he is set to boycott the body following
    its recent motion in which it criticised the Presidential election
    in Azerbaijan.

    Euronest PA last month passed the motion in defiance of its own
    observer delegation, which had found the poll to be "free, fair and

    In his letter to Euronest, the Chairman of the Azerbaijani Delegation,
    Elkhan Suleymanov, asked: "What's the actual position of the European
    Parliament? Does it want to cooperate with Azerbaijan and create
    peace and stability in South Caucasus? Does it recognise its reports
    and delegation?"

    He went on to condemn Article 32 - the motion criticising the election
    - before announcing the withdrawal of Azerbaijan's Euronest delegation.

    "Azerbaijan will stop its activity in this institution during the
    Armenian chairmanship of the Euronest PA from EaP component until
    the liberation of Azerbaijani territories from the occupation," he
    said, a reference to Armenia's occupation of about 20 per cent of
    Azerbaijani territory.

    Suleymanov reminded his Euronest colleagues that observer missions of
    the European Parliament, PACE and OSCE PA had all found the election
    to be fair, with the ODIHR verdict the stand-out exception.

    Yet Euronest chose to side with ODIHR in defiance of its own observer
    team. This, he said previously, amounted to "political sabotage".

    In a landslide result, incumbent Ilham Aliyev won the election of
    October 9th, with exit polls by American pollsters Arthur J.

    Finkelstein finding voters in no mood for change, given Azerbaijan's
    booming economy and the President's high ratings on the issues of
    security and Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The territory and surrounding regions continue to be occupied by
    Armenia despite resolutions in the United Nations, the European
    Parliament, the OSCE and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
    of Europe.

    European Parliament President Martin Schultz said recently: "Azerbaijan
    and Armenia themselves should solve this complex issue."

    This contradicts the remit of the Minsk group, which is committed to
    a political solution to the occupation.

    Given the lingering tensions surrounding the Armenian occupation of
    Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan was angered that Armenia was allowed to
    co-chair Euronest EaP. Now Suleymanov says his team will only resume
    their seats when this "inflammatory chairmanship" comes to an end.
