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Armenians To Host Syria's Mother Agnes

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  • Armenians To Host Syria's Mother Agnes

    Wednesday, November 6th, 2013

    Mother Agnes Mariam of the Cross

    LOS ANGELES-The Armenian community of Southern California is inviting
    the Los Angeles community to two days of speeches by Syria's Mother
    Agnes Mariam of the Cross, Mother Superior at the Monastery and
    Convent of St. James the Mutilated in Qara, Syria.

    Mother Agnes will speak about the current crisis in Syria, giving
    accounts of the war that are very different from those reported by
    the media.

    The towns and villages around Mother Agnes' monastery have been
    largely abandoned as people have fled and been made refugees. In May
    of 2013, Mother Agnes herself was assailed by gunmen. That spring,
    she organized an international delegation led by Nobel Peace Laureate
    Mairead Maguire, which visited Lebanon and Syria. The delegation
    observed conditions and talked with refugees and opposition and
    government representatives. Mother Agnes is one of the main organizers
    of Mussalaha (Reconciliation), a popular movement in Syria that
    mediates disputes and organizes ceasefires between opposing forces.

    Mother Agnes will be touring the U.S. and Canada under the auspices
    of the Syrian Solidarity Movement, a U.S. tax-exempt nonprofit project.

    Armenian communities in Southern California will be hosting Mother
    Agnes to speak on Saturday Nov. 9, 2013, at Jesus Sacred Heart Church
    in North Hollywood at 7 p.m.; and on Sunday Nov. 10, 2013, at Saint
    Gregory Armenian Church in Glendale, Calif. at 2 p.m.

    Mother Agnes will be speaking about the conditions of all people and
    faiths and will provide her insights and observations on "What is
    Really Happening in Syria Today," as her speech is titled.
