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Serzh Sargsyan Participates In Nuclear Energy Safety Council Session

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  • Serzh Sargsyan Participates In Nuclear Energy Safety Council Session

    18:01 06/11/2013 " SOCIETY

    Today, at the Government Reception House, President Serzh Sargsyan met
    with Chairman of the RA Presidential Nuclear Energy Safety Council
    Adolf Birkhofer, who has arrived in Armenia to participate in a
    regular session of the Nuclear Energy Safety Council (NESC).

    The President of Armenia and Chairman of NESC spoke about planned
    works aimed at the enhancement of the security level of the Armenian
    Nuclear Power Plant (ANPP) and the current state of the Plant. With
    this regard, the parties stated that the ANPP has the necessary
    projected level of seismic stability. Serzh Sargsyan and Adolf
    Birkhofer also spoke about the issues related to the future operations
    of the ANPP and construction of a new energy unit, cooperation with
    the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), including the results
    of the OSART mission.

    After the meeting, President Serzh Sargsyan and Chairman of NESC Adolf
    Birkhofer at the Reception House participated in the session of the
    NESC Council and made opening remarks. The President saluted members
    of the Council - an independent advisory body comprising scientists,
    experts of international repute and all participants of the meeting.

    At the outset, Serzh Sargsyan informed the participants and expressed
    profound regrets of passing away in January of the NESC member,
    renowned scientist, Academician of the RA Academy of Sciences Hamlet
    Vardapetian, who contributed significantly to the establishment and
    development of theoretical and practical experiments in the area of
    nuclear physics. The President suggested that the attendees observe a
    minute of silence in tribute to his memory. Afterwards, he presented a
    new member of the Council, Academician of the RA Academy of Sciences,
    Doctor of Physics and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Robert Avagian
    and wished him successful and productive tenure.

    The President underscored that it would be difficult to overestimate
    the importance of cooperation in the Council format, considering a
    special role the nuclear energy is playing in ensuring energy security
    of our country.

    He hailed the activities of the Council since the very moment of its
    establishment and noted that in this period of time, a great amount
    of work has already been accomplished. He thanked the members of the
    Council for their invaluable assistance in the enhancement of the
    nuclear and radiation safety level of the Armenian Nuclear Energy
    Power Plant. Serzh Sargsyan also thanked the IAEA, governments of the
    Russian Federation, US, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Italy as well
    as the European Commission for their assistance.

    "The Republic of Armenia has been constantly improving its domestic
    legislation and has been fulfilling in good faith her international
    obligations. In May 2013, the Parliament of Armenia ratified the
    law on "Amendments to the Convention on Physical Protection of
    Nuclear Substances" of 2005 and made amendments to the "Law on Safe
    Use of Nuclear Energy for Peaceful Purposes" which are related to
    the registration and safeguarding of nuclear substances. Soon, the
    Governments of the Republic of Armenia and Russian Federation will
    sign an agreement on cooperation in the area of nuclear safety. It
    will allow to:

    ~U develop the RA infrastructure for nuclear safety in the context
    of preparing for the construction of new energy units based on
    the Russian designs, ~U train, re-train and upgrade specialists of
    nuclear safety, taking into consideration the IAEA recommendations,
    ~U expand the framework of cooperation in the area of nuclear energy.

    In October 2012, the Governments of the Republic of Armenia and the
    United States signed a Memorandum of Understanding pertinent to the
    energy, including nuclear energy area. The document allows our two
    countries to cooperate more closely in the area of peaceful use of
    nuclear energy. Two successful projects have already been implemented
    in the framework of the above-mentioned Memorandum.

    Huge work has been done with the assistance of the IAEA and
    international experts aimed at the enhancement of the seismic
    stability of the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant (ANPP). In 2012,
    during the routine-preventive renovations installed were supporting
    constructions to enhance the seismic stability of the main structures
    and components which are pivotal from the safety point of view.

    It concluded the second, final phase of works of the Program on the
    Reassessment of the ANPP second unit seismic stability which was
    carried out in compliance with the IAEA technical requirements. Thus,
    the ANPP has acquired the required level of seismic stability.

    The plan on the upgrading of the ANPP operational safety was reviewed
    based on the recommendations of the OSTAR mission conducted in 2011.

    At the moment, the ANPP has implemented the main recommendations and
    instructions of the mission. In 2013, the IAEA OSART sent another
    mission which has registered sufficient progress in the conducted
    works but also has raised contentious issues related, particularly,
    to the management of radioactive waste.

    The experts have already started to develop a strategy on safe
    management of the radioactive waste and used nuclear fuel with the
    technical assistance of the European Union.

    I would also like to inform you that this year the Republic of
    Armenia has ratified the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel
    Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management.

    With the assistance of the European Union, the Armenian side has
    completed stress works on the operational energy block. The report
    is presented for discussions to the RA Nuclear Safety Regulation
    Committee. Along with the expert opinion of the Committee, by the
    end of this year it will be presented to the relevant bodies of the
    European Union.

    Currently, works on the assessment of the monitoring of the current
    state of the ANPP main systems, structures and components and
    evaluation of the residual stock are underway. The program of the
    extension of the designed operational term of the second unit of the
    ANPP has been sent to the Government of Armenia.

    In September, the Russian organizations started works on the extension
    of the operational term of the second energy unit of the Metsamor
    nuclear power plant. For us, it is really very important.

    Taking this opportunity, I would like to suggest the members of
    the Russian delegation that they also intensely engage specialized
    organizations from Armenia in the works aimed at the extension of
    the work-term of the ANPP second energy unit.

    Armenia reiterates her intention to develop nuclear energy which has
    a special place in the energy development program. Only existence of
    the ANPP in the system of basic electric power production will allow
    us to maintain the proper level of the country's energy security and
    independence," President Sargsyan stressed in his remarks.

    Noting that the Nuclear Safety Management State Committee along
    with the ANPP, HayAtom Institute, and Ministry of Energy and Natural
    Resources has accomplished considerable amount of works, the President
    of Armenia underscored that from now on, the RA Minister of Energy and
    Natural Resources has to enforce greater control over the timely and
    due implementation by the leadership of the ANPP of the directions
    issued by the Nuclear Energy Security Council and IAEA missions. In
    particular, it is essential to expeditiously carry out works to provide
    the corresponding amount of the medium active waste and improve the
    conditions for its storage, as well as to take steps towards upgrading
    the level of the thermal volume density.

    The President also spoke about the training of the ANPP operational
    staff and importance of creating necessary conditions for their
    full retraining, noting that works in that direction have already
    commenced. To bring them to conclusion, Serzh Sargsyan instructed the
    leadership of the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant with the assistance of
    the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources to ensure the engagement
    of all necessary means.

    The President of Armenia called the attention of the ANPP leadership
    to the fact that it is necessary together with the organizations
    working in the area of nuclear energy to organize works in a fashion
    which will allow to maintain and develop the existing infrastructure.

    After the President's opening remarks, the Director of the ANPP and the
    Head of the RA Nuclear Safety Management Committee provided detailed
    information to the members of the Council on the implementation of
    the assignments issued during the previous session.

    The participants of the meeting also received reports on the activities
    of the RA Nuclear Safety Management Committee and Armenian Nuclear
    Power Plant.

