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Art fair in Istanbul showcases works by Armenian artists

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  • Art fair in Istanbul showcases works by Armenian artists

    Art fair in Istanbul showcases works by Armenian artists

    16:28 09.11.2013
    Armenia, art, Turkey

    Since 2010, art fair Contemporary Istanbul has been offering a
    glittering special section called `Art from Armenia.' Although there
    are currently no diplomatic ties between Turkey and Armenia, there is
    a growing cultural relationship which promises a brand new future for
    both countries. With the aim of discovering regional art and gathering
    Armenian artists and Turkish art lovers, `Art from Armenia' has hosted
    many Armenian painters in Istanbul over the past three years, Today's
    Zaman reports.

    This year's `Art from Armenia' selection, on display until Sunday at
    the IstanbulCongressCenter, features paintings and sculptures by six
    Armenian artists: Daron Mouradian, Vahram Davtian, Emil Kazaz, Armen
    Gevorgian, Ara Mikaelian and Ruben Grigorian.

    Aram Sargsyan, the curator of the exhibition in 2011, has contributed
    to the exhibition this year as well. According to Sargsyan, people in
    Istanbul have respect for art. `I have seen many paintings on the
    walls of restaurants and they were high standard paintings. So in
    Istanbul, you do not have to go to a museum, you are exposed to art

    Mentioning the history of art in Armenia, Sargsyan is very proud of
    the young generation artists who are contributing to the development
    of traditional Armenian art. Noting that Armenia has many talented
    artists, Sargsyan said the Armenian Art Association alone currently
    has around 1,200 members. `I would like to contribute to this
    exhibition with many other Armenian artists in the coming years,' he

    This year, artist Mouradian is one of the fair's special guests from
    Armenia. His paintings offer a combination of themes from mythological
    tales from the East and the West. Based on the Bible and mythology,
    his world of fantasies tells the viewers a story they've never heard

    When asked about the stories in his paintings, Mouradian said his only
    story was the painting and the rest was up to art lovers. `I only
    paint. And people who are looking at my paintings read the story they
    see there. It is up to their imagination,' he added.

    This is Mouradian's second visit to Istanbul in nine years. However,
    he said he was not able to see any art in Istanbul during his first
    visit, in 2004. His response tells a lot about the cultural
    relationship between Armenia and Turkey. Starting from no
    relationship, now we can imagine a closer dialogue.

    Onno Ayvaz, a collector and the coordinator of the exhibition, was the
    person who made this exhibition possible.

    He recalls: `A friend of mine, who is an antiquarian, invited several
    artists from Armenia to showcase their work in Contemporary Istanbul.
    But they did not accept his invitation. He called me at the last
    minute, asking for help. So, four years ago, I contributed to the
    exhibition with selected works by Armenian artists from my own

    Ayvaz was surprised by connoisseurs' interest in the first `Art from
    Armenia.' He was asked to contribute in the following years as well.
    Ayvaz's contribution and the huge interest paved the way for `Art from
    Armenia' to become a staple on the fair's program.

    Ayvaz says this exhibition helps strengthen the relationship between
    the two countries: `Art is a very meaningful way to communicate.
    Armenians and Turks, people who had lived together for hundreds of
    years, have been separated for the past 100 years. This is how I see
    this situation. And you can feel the [similarity] in culture, in
    perception. Here [in this art fair] it is like we were never separated
    from each other.'

    However, Ayvaz is troubled by bureaucratic difficulties arising from
    the lack of diplomatic relationships between the two countries. All
    the paintings in the exhibition are from his private collection
    because it is currently not possible to import paintings from Armenia.
    Those who want to do so have to obtain special permission from the
    Turkish government to transfer art work from Armenia.

    `These bureaucratic processes are very exhausting. Seemingly, you can
    get that permission, but bureaucrats are very hesitant to help because
    there are no diplomatic ties between the two countries,' he says.
    `Nevertheless, we'll keep trying and, who knows, maybe next year we
    can really bring works of art from Armenia to Contemporary Istanbul,'
    he said.
