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Burbank Congressman Wants White House To Display Armenian Rug

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  • Burbank Congressman Wants White House To Display Armenian Rug


    89.3 KPCC, CA
    Nov 11 2013

    Kitty Felde | November 11th, 2013, 6:00am

    The battle over official U.S. government recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide has recently focused on a rug woven by orphan girls and
    presented to President Calvin Coolidge nearly a century ago. A Southern
    California lawmaker is calling on the White House to put the carpet
    on display.

    The ruby red and purple rug took ten months to weave and was a
    thank-you gift for American aid to more than 100,000 Armenian orphans.

    Young women tied more than four million knots to create the carpet.

    It was supposed to be the centerpiece of a Smithsonian event next
    month to launch a new book called "President Calvin Coolidge and the
    Armenian Orphan Rug." But the White House declined to make the rug
    available, saying in a statement that it's "not possible to loan it
    out at this time."

    Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) and colleague David Valadao (R-Hanford)
    are circulating a "dear colleague" letter, urging the president to
    change his mind. So far nearly three dozen lawmakers have signed on.

    Schiff says the president's reluctance comes down to a single issue:
    "the Administration doesn't want to offend Turkey."

    Turkey is an important military ally. Ottoman Turks are said to have
    killed more than a million Armenians in the early years of the 20th
    century. The Turkish government maintains that number is inflated
    and the victims were caught in the middle of a civil war. Official
    Washington has been reluctant to go on the record acknowledging
    the genocide.

    Schiff, who spoke on the House floor in Armenian on the April
    anniversary of the genocide, says the rug, with its millions of knots,
    is a tangible way to come to grips with the genocide. "These girls were
    real. What they went through was real. And I think it's the power of
    that rug that is part of the reason the administration doesn't want
    to exhibit it."

    An online petition on the White House website asks for the rug to be
    displayed, but so far, it has fewer than 600 signatures.

    Candidate Barack Obama said, "America deserves a leader who speaks
    truthfully about the Armenian Genocide." But President Obama has
    avoided using the term.

    Kitty Felde, Washington, D.C. Correspondent
