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From The Ottoman Empire To Killarney, Manitoba: The Story Of An Arme

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  • From The Ottoman Empire To Killarney, Manitoba: The Story Of An Arme

    Canadian Museum of Human Rights, Canada
    Nov 15 2013

    >From The Ottoman Empire To Killarney, Manitoba: The Story Of An
    Armenian Genocide Survivor

    POSTED BY: Jack Garabed, Son of an Armenian genocide survivor (Guest
    author), , Nov 15, 2013

    During and after the First World War, the leaders of the Ottoman
    Empire (the forerunner of the modern-day Republic of Turkey) made a
    brutal attempt to destroy the empire's entire Armenian population. The
    victims were massacred or forced on death marches through the desert.
    Approximately one and a half million Armenians perished between 1915
    and 1923. Another half million found shelter abroad. Canada opened its
    doors to some of the children orphaned in the Armenian genocide. One
    of these orphans, Harry Garabed, found himself placed on a farm near
    Killarney, Manitoba. Jack Garabed, Harry's son, spoke at a recent news
    conference where the CMHR signed an agreement with the Armenian
    Genocide Museum Institute. Here is Harry's story, in his son Jack's

    Someone asked me once if it means something to me to have the Canadian
    Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg. The short answer is YES! Last
    week, I had the honour of witnessing an important and historic
    partnership between the Armenian Genocide Museum Institute of the
    National Academy of Sciences and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.
    The Armenian Genocide is an important human rights story and I was
    proud to share the story of my father at this event.

    I am the son of an Armenian genocide orphan survivor. My father was
    born `Garabed Haroutounian' about 1906. His name was later changed to
    Harry Garabed, for pronunciation reasons. Unfortunately, I have very
    little information about my Dad's early years, just what I remember
    him telling me as a young boy, and young man.

    Dad talked about how his mom made Turkish rugs. They would bring bags
    of wool already weighed, and she would hook them. He helped her after
    school. She was allowed to keep a small amount of the wool when the
    rug was done.

    I remember Dad telling me of his parents' demise, and about his
    family. He was the oldest of six. He spoke of my grandfather being
    taken away in the night, and murdered. They took Dad away and placed
    him in a Turkish orphanage. He believed my grandmother escaped into
    Egypt with some of the younger children. He was forced to change
    religion against his will. God only knows what happened to my
    grandmother and my Dad's five other brothers and sisters.

    Dad explained how he had been encouraged to sneak out of the orphanage
    one night with an older friend, and how they ran, and then escaped
    into the countryside. They existed by their wits, hand to mouth.

    Dad was 17 when he started his journey. We really don't know and I
    don't think he knew where he was going. My Dad went to England from
    Greece and he sailed from Liverpool to Montreal.

    The Salvation Army arranged to have three children in the orphanage,
    including my father, transported to Canada. Dad left the other two
    boys in Montreal and continued on to Manitoba. He was fascinated by
    the train ride, and wanted to extend it as far as he could. He had
    never seen one, and was intrigued. The train brought him to Winnipeg,
    and from there he was placed with farmers in the Killarney area.

    He told me how wonderful the people were to him, as he spoke almost no
    English. He found out later they taught him cuss words, as it was
    funny to hear them with his accent! He was very happy in his early
    years in Canada. He never spoke of being lonely, or about the old
    country, as he made so many new friends. He told me how he had made a
    comb out of nails, in the early years, as he had no money, and his
    hair was long. He worked hard, and eventually bought his own land and

    He served in the Canadian Army, overseas, for six years. Afterwards,
    he was a local, respected politician for 30-plus years.

    Dad fathered five children, one of whom is deceased. There are
    numerous grandchildren, great, and great-great grandchildren - 65 in
    total. Quite a dynasty from one little Armenian orphan! Most of us
    still live in Killarney and southwestern Manitoba.

    As he grew older, Dad always said he was so grateful to have been
    blessed with coming to a free country like Canada. To his dying day,
    he thanked God for the Salvation Army, his wonderful family, and for
