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Heiko Langner: "The Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict Can Be Settled Wit

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  • Heiko Langner: "The Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict Can Be Settled Wit


    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    Nov 18 2013

    18 November 2013 - 1:32pm

    Interview by Orkhan Sattarov, the head of the European Bureau of
    Vestnik Kavkaza

    German political scientist and expert in the post-Soviet area, Heiko
    Langner, commented on the situation in Georgia and Azerbaijan following
    the elections, the upcoming summit of the Eastern Partnership, and
    the prospects of settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict for
    Vestnik Kavkaza.

    - Mr. Langner, Georgia has recently held the presidential
    elections. What do you expect from Georgia in a post-election period?

    Will foreign political vectors change?

    - Foreign political vectors will unlikely change. We should consider
    the objective reality that was established after the Russian-Georgian
    war in August 2008. Russia has recognized independence of Abkhazia
    and South Ossetia. Actually it means that Georgia has lost these
    territories completely. I don't believe that Russia will ever take
    its recognition back - the step would destroy trust to the Russian
    policy in the region. At the same time, I cannot imagine that any
    Georgian government would accept the loss. The factor will influence
    Russian-Georgian relations greatly in the future. Thus, we cannot
    speak about a pro-Russian turn of the Georgians; but Tbilisi intends
    to build pragmatic economic relations with Moscow, which is reasonable,
    considering attractiveness of the Russian market for Georgian products.

    - Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev was re-elected for the third term
    in October. What do you expect from Baku policy in next five years?

    - It should be noted that Azerbaijan obtains the highest level of
    independence among three states of the South Caucasus. It is explained
    by its effective foreign political strategy and economic prosperity,
    as Baku has thoughtfully built relations with all regional and
    international players. Azerbaijan closely cooperates with Russia and
    Europe, the U.S. and Turkey. Baku manages to build neutral relations
    with Iran. Azerbaijan will continue implementing this foreign political
    strategy and no radical changes are expected.

    - The summit of members of the EU program of the Eastern Partnership
    will take place in late November. What are advantages of the Eastern
    Partnership for its members?

    - European economic interests obviously prevail in the program
    of the Eastern Partnership. I don't mind an economic exchange and
    cross-border trade, but it depends on conditions. The agreement on
    free trade will only be beneficial for all sides if the members of
    the agreement are equal in economic development. However, this is
    not the case. The EU countries are much more developed in the sphere
    of economy and technologies than the post-Soviet countries. The
    former Soviet republics are in the middle of establishing diversified
    economies. Free trade between unequal partners will create unbalanced
    economic relations and improve the gap between European and post-Soviet

    Thus, all advantages belong to the EU which is trying to conquer new
    outlet markets. It is confirmed by the trade balance of the EU with
    the countries of the South Caucasus. Both Georgia and Armenia have
    a great trade deficit with the EU. Both countries import much more
    products from the EU than export to Europe. The main reason is that
    Georgia and Armenia have no products which would be interesting for the
    EU. Of course, Georgian wine and Armenian cognac are nice products,
    but in general they are niche goods which cannot compensate for the
    development of diversified economy.

    As for Azerbaijan, it has trade surplus with the EU in recent years,
    but it happens only due to oil and gas export to Europe. The trade
    balance without the energy segment demonstrates huge deficit of the
    Azerbaijani side. However, Azerbaijan has an advantage in comparison
    to its neighbors in the region as it can reinvest its oil dollars in
    diversification of economy, which happens in reality.

    I think that consumers goods, including washing machines and fridges
    can be domestically produced; it's not necessary to import them. It
    will create new jobs in processing and producing industry which is
    necessary for any economy. I believe that effective domestic economy
    and specialization in certain export products are not controversial;
    together they provide opportunities for economic development of the
    country and improvement of living standards.

    >From this point of view, Azerbaijan's progress is much better
    than Georgia's or Armenia's. Azerbaijan provides 80% of the whole
    industrial producing in the whole South Caucasus; an average income
    level is much higher here, while the poverty level is much lower than
    in the neighboring countries. I understand that not all problems have
    been settled, but the main economic development strategy of Azerbaijan
    is right. And an equal partnership with the EU can be established in
    this context.

    - What do you think about Armenia's rejection to sign the association
    agreement with the EU at the Vilnius summit?

    - Armenia's decision to reject the association agreement with
    the EU and to join the Customs Union headed by Russia reflects the
    geopolitical balance of forces in the region. Armenia depends seriously
    on Russia because of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Armenian foreign
    policy is not flexible and depends on Moscow's good will, which of
    course doesn't want to reject its interests and will prevent the
    EU's improvement in the area of Russian influence from economic and
    political point of view. It is reasonable, from the point of view of
    Russia and its interests. However, it will lead Armenia to a disaster.

    Armenia can continue its policy of illegal occupation of
    Azerbaijani territories, however, it pays a lot for this - economic
    underdevelopment, massive poverty, poor social conditions for the
    population, and massive migration and serious demographic problems.

    The international diplomacy should try to take Armenia away from the
    isolated position in the region; but it requires that Armenia will
    change its current foreign policy and will be ready to move forward in
    the process of settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Yerevan
    should refuse from maximalist demands to reach a compromise with
    Azerbaijan. In this case Azerbaijan and Turkey would stop the economic
    isolation, and Armenia would benefit from this.

    - What do you think about possible ways out of the Nagorno-Karabakh

    - First of all I would like to note that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    cannot be considered frozen, as many people think. People are being
    killed on the frontline and clashes are taking place. It is wrong
    to consider this conflict frozen in this context. On the other hand,
    I don't see opportunities for settlement of the conflict in the near
    future. If we look at the OSCE Minsk Group which is responsible for
    talks on the settlement of the conflict, we will see that the only
    mediator which has real power in the South Caucasus is Russia. Neither
    France nor America can compete with it. And only under mediation of
    Russia the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan can be settled. The
    key from the Karabakh conflict lies in Moscow. Only cooperation between
    Yerevan, Baku, and Moscow can lead to settlement of the situation.

    I think a logical way out should be based on territorial integrity of
    Azerbaijan, which is damaged today. Two principles of the international
    law - of territorial integrity and of self-identity - are not mutually
    exclusive. Seven regions around Nagorno-Karabakh were populated by the
    Azerbaijani people mainly and they should be returned to Azerbaijan
    as soon as possible.
