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"US Voiced Concerns" To Turkey

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  • "US Voiced Concerns" To Turkey

    Updating: 09:28, 20 November 2013 Wednesday

    Jen Psaki said Kerry voiced US concerns over Turkey's potential
    missile defense deal with a Chinese firm.

    World Bulletin / News Desk

    State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki Tuesday said US Secretary of
    State John Kerry voiced US concerns over Turkey's potential missile
    defense deal with a Chinese firm during his meeting with Turkish
    Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu Monday.

    She was responding to media reports, which claimed that Davutoglu
    said Turkey has been speaking with a Chinese firm for four years
    concerning a potential missile defense deal, and that no concerns
    were voiced during that time.

    "But this started in 2009. For four years, nobody raised any concern.

    Nobody said this is not good for NATO", said Davutoglu while speaking
    to reporters Monday.

    "It's hard to believe we wouldn't have concerns about an agreement on
    a system -- a potential agreement on a system that's not interoperable
    with NATO and with a company that has U.S. sanctions against it. So
    -- but in terms of the timing, I don't have any details on that,"
    said Psaki during Tuesday's press briefing.

    After a similar question, she said, "Secretary Kerry reiterated our
    concerns and the importance of procuring a NATO-interoperable system,
    which has long been a concern we've expressed to Turkey. And that
    was how he conveyed it during the meeting yesterday," she added.


    In a statement issued Tuesday, Psaki said that Washington welcomes
    Tuesday's meeting between Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, and
    Azeri President Ilham Aliyev, and is encouraged by the agreement to
    meet in the coming months.

    "Their first meeting in almost two years, this summit is an important
    step toward restarting dialogue and demonstrates the leaders' shared
    commitment to bring an end to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. As
    a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group along with Russia and France,
    the United States urges both presidents to work actively towards a
    peaceful resolution to the conflict, which has taken a heavy toll on
    the people on all sides," she said.
