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Interview With Social Democrat Hunchakian Party Central Committee Ch

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  • Interview With Social Democrat Hunchakian Party Central Committee Ch


    By MassisPost
    Updated: November 20, 2013

    The Social Democrat Hunchakian Party conducted its 20th world congress
    in Armenia on September 10-13 of this year, and elected a new Central
    Committee as well as a new Central Committee Chairman. MassisPost had
    the chance to conduct a meeting in Nicosia with Mr. Hagop Dikranian,
    the newly elected S.D.H.P. Central Committee Chairman.

    After the recent S.D.H.P. Worldwide Congress and Central Committee
    elections, what changes, if any, are to be expected from the Party?

    The 20th Worldwide Congress of the Social Democrat Hunchakian party
    was a turning point for the party. New found challenges are placed
    in front of the party, which the newly elected Central Committee
    Board is already resolute to successfully overcoming within their
    responsibilities. With the consideration of the party structures,
    significant changes will be taking place. Through stages, we will
    witness a number of positive adjustments with the primary focus
    and priority going towards strengthening internal organizational
    structures in all sectors and regions. In terms of the party's
    political standpoint, we reaffirmed our autonomy within Armenia's
    political field.

    Furthermore, as was decided in our congress, to continue to strengthen
    our relations with the progressive Turkish political parties who have
    acknowledged the Armenian Genocide and bring about new opportunities
    for joint cooperation.

    What is the current state of affairs of the Party in Armenia?

    We lament the fact that the through the years the Hunchakian party
    has had internal unrest in Armenia and it never settled at the level
    as our members wished. We just hope that the unrest will remain in
    the past. To succeed, our comrades in Armenia face a challenge to
    put the extra effort for the integration within the party's worldwide
    infrastructure, espouse and execute our party values and principles.

    It is the time to prove that, at this juncture, we will concentrate on
    internal organizational issues, shore up our presence in the provinces,
    villages and cities, and increasingly accentuate a stronger presence
    into the political field of Armenia.

    What steps will the S.D.H.P. take towards the commemoration of 100th
    anniversary of the Armenian Genocide?

    The 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide is an issue for the
    entire Armenian nation. Accordingly, the S.D.H.P is a part of the
    government commission in the Republic of Armenia headed by President
    Sargsyan to commemorate the 100th anniversary, as well as part of
    various existing bodies throughout the Armenian Diaspora in which we
    support and project our logistical and operational capabilities.

    Can you discuss the S.D.H.P.'s involvement with the recent influx of
    Syrian refugees in Armenia?

    First I must say that the S.D.H.P is closely following the developments
    in Syria. We believe that Syrian crisis should be settled by peaceful
    means and without intervention. At the same time, we continue to assist
    our Syrian Armenian brothers and sisters to the best of our abilities
    through the pan-Armenian efforts in different regions within the
    Diaspora, as well as cooperate with the Ministry of Diaspora within
    the Republic of Armenia. Here I want to emphasize the necessity of
    all Armenians to continue assisting our Syrian Armenian brethren in
    any possible way.

    What do you see as the biggest challenge or obstacle for the S.D.H.P.

    in the upcoming years?

    Party challenges need to be looked at from two different angles;
    Armenia and the Diaspora.

    In terms of Armenia, the reality that Armenia's political field is
    not founded on ideology, makes our work harder. Today, Armenia's
    political class possess no ideology, and for a political party with
    founding principles the presence of principled values is a necessity
    for Armenia and its people, and thus for us a challenge.

    In terms of the Diaspora, Armenian preservation and the pursuit of
    the Armenian Cause remain our main goals. The fluid situation in the
    Middle East concerns us and continually challenges us.

    Any last thoughts or comments?

    I want to take this opportunity to praise our sincere and devoted
    membership. We appreciate their renewed anticipation of positive news.

    We understand great expectations are connected to the new leadership.

    For my part, I recognize that it is no longer time to talk, but rather,
    it is time for action. Therefore, all of us jointly will bring about
    many future successes for our beloved party. Our future is bright
    because it is in our hands. Thank you.


    SDHP 20th World Congress Communique

    The following is a translation of the official communique of the
    Social Democratic Hunchakian Party 20th World Congress.

    On September 10-13, 2013, the Social Democratic Hunchakian Party held
    its 20th World Congress in Armenia with S.D.H.P. delegates from 17
    countries in attendance. The congress considered in detail, vital
    issues pertaining to Armenia, the Armenian people and the Diaspora,
    along with international, regional and organizational matters and
    political realities.

    Looking at the situation of social and economic domestic policies
    of the Republic of Armenia, the Congress reiterated the founding
    principles of the S.D.H.P., namely to support and guide the legitimate
    social demands of the people, their discontent against corruption,
    protectionism and the oligarchy. Congress examined the serious problem
    of emigration and found that, in large part, was the result of social
    injustice and despair among the citizens of the Republic of Armenia
    when facing their future prospects in the Republic. The Congress
    emphasized that only a resolution of the unhealthy climate cited
    above could halt this national tragedy.

    The Congress also noted that in recent years in Armenia, there has
    been a positive shift in the field of freedom of speech, but the
    gains made strengthening democracy are not yet sufficient.

    The Congress concluded that the Armenian government should conduct
    its foreign policy accordance with local geopolitical realities. From
    this point of view, with cautious optimism, the Congress welcomed
    the decision by Armenian authorities to partake in the Customs Union,
    at the same time the Congress hopes that the Republic of Armenia will
    continue to deepen its cooperation with European bodies.

    The Congress reasserted, the Party's belief that a resolution to the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict must be found on the basis of international
    principles and the right to self-determination of peoples. Regardless
    of the form of the resolution, it must be approved by a referendum
    of the people of Artsakh. The Congress emphasized the need for the
    Government of Karabakh to be involved in the peace talks. The Congress
    confirmed that the solidification of the independence of Artsakh
    remains the primary international concern of the Armenian people.

    Regarding Armenian-Turkish relations, the Congress decided to continue
    to strengthen the relationship the S.D.H.P has begun with Turkish
    intellectuals who recognized the reality of the Armenian Genocide,
    seeking to establish new areas of cooperation.

    At the same time, Congress finds that it is essential the documents
    of the Turkish-Armenian protocol be submitted to the Armenian National
    Assembly for consideration to be withdrawn.

    On the eve of the Armenian Genocide centennial, Congress noted the
    readiness of the S.D.H.P. to participate with all Armenian groups
    and non-Armenians who continue the Armenian Cause.

    The Congress carefully measured the catastrophic conflict in Syria and
    concluded that the Syrian conflict must be solved by peaceful means,
    without outside intervention. The Congress calls on all Armenians
    to continue and intensify their efforts to help our Syrian Armenian

    Congress also heeded to the observations of the Diasporan delegates
    pertaining to their communities and endorsed the continuation of the
    relentless work carried out to safeguard Armenianism in the Diaspora.

    After reviewing the status of the organizational structures of the
    Party, the Congress reached conclusions and provided directives to
    be utilized by all Party organizational structures.

    The last item on the S.D.H.P. World Congress' agenda was the election
    of a new Central Committee.

    The S.D.H.P. World Congress concluded with a visit to the Yerablur
    military cemetery, to pay respect to our martyrs, and reaffirm the
    principles of the S.D.H.P. to follow in their footsteps.

    From: A. Papazian