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Fresno Armenian Community Raises the Bar

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  • Fresno Armenian Community Raises the Bar

    Contact: Randy Baloian at [email protected]
    Zaroohi Der Mugrdechian, Principal
    108 N. Villa, Clovis, California 93612
    Tel: 559-323-1955
    Fax: 559-323-1959
    Email: [email protected]

    Fresno Armenian Community Raises the Bar

    "Toward all the winds of the coming days, toward the future..."

    The winds of the coming days will bring significant improvements for
    the academics, arts and enrollment for the Charlie Keyan Armenian
    Community School [].

    With the energy of youth and alumni leading the effort, the year-long
    Raise4Keyan fundraising drive kicked-off Saturday with over 2,800
    outbound phone calls made and $9,705 pledged.Concurrent with efforts
    to reach out from the school with phone calls, students from the
    elementary school were guests of the 'Hye Oozh' radio program
    [].There, throughout the morning they recited poetry,
    sang songs and were interviewed by DJ Tatevik.

    Similar to the optimism for a better future that Yeghishe Charents
    believed in when he penned the words for /Toward The Future/ in 1920,
    the Raise4Keyan fundraising drive was developed with the intent to
    raise the bar for the future of the school.Under the leadership of
    Principal Zaroohi Der Mugrdechian, enrollment has been increasing,
    language arts and mathematics curriculum is expanding, an art program
    has been instituted following state standards and an after school
    Western Armenian Language Lab started. Intent on forging a better
    future, the Principal and Board of Education feel that the bar can be
    raised across the board.The funds raised from the Raise4Keyan effort
    will be used specifically to improve educational programs, grow art,
    music and sports programs, attract new students, and assist current
    students in order to continue the trend of enrollment increase.
    Information on these improvements will be prominently featured on the
    website and in future promotional material that is circulated through
    the school.Please feel free to contact us as we have much more
    positive developments to share with regard to this fundraising drive.

    With only a portion of Central Valley Armenian's contacted thus far,
    the effort continues to reach anyone and everyone who has an interest
    in helping to 'raise the bar' at CKACS.Please call or e-mail to
    request your pledge form today:

    telephone 559.323.1959
    e-mail [email protected]


    Please advise if you would like any additional information regarding the
    school, programs, or if you would like high resolution images/graphics
    for your use in publication.


    Shaunt Yemenjian

    [email protected]
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