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Armenia's Financial System Able To Resist Serious External Challenge

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  • Armenia's Financial System Able To Resist Serious External Challenge


    YEREVAN, November 22. / ARKA /. "The Dram is not only a means of
    payment; it is a key symbol of our independence and statehood, the
    pride of every citizen. Appreciating the true merit of it indeed
    requires more time. However, building a confidence in the Dram and
    helping it become established is already a history,' said today the
    chairman of Armenia's Central Bank Arthur Javadyan at a ceremony
    dedicated to the Bank Employee's Day and the 20th anniversary of
    the introduction of Armenia's national currency, attended also by
    President Serzh Sargsyan.


    According to him, even in the most vulnerable times of global financial
    crisis the domestic financial system posted increased volumes of
    credits and deposit accounts, which contributed to the revival of
    the economy.

    'While many financial institutions in the world went bankrupt and
    only some could withstand the hardships thanks to enormous financial
    support from their governments and at the cost of significant increases
    in public debt, no financial institution in Armenia suffered solvency
    problems or was in need for governmental assistance," he said.

    "A report published by the International Monetary Fund and the
    World Bank also points to the success with which Armenia maintains
    its financial system stability. The report contains these renowned
    institutions' assessment of the country's financial sector, which
    was conducted last year. Not that these were years to merely endure
    the challenges but to wade into them with true vigor and dignity, in
    order to continue developing more assertively and purposefully. Our
    achievements in these years are obvious: the office of financial system
    mediator started functioning in 2009, the Central Bank spent more
    efforts and at a larger scale in increasing public confidence toward
    the financial sector, consumer protection and financial education,
    the threshold of insured deposits of individuals has doubled up to
    AMD 4 million for dram-denominated deposits and up to AMD 2 million
    for foreign currency deposits."

    "In 2011 the All-Armenian Bank started its operations with the goal
    to make financial investments in areas strategically important for
    Armenia, and it already has some loan investments on track, the Central
    Bank continued supporting a variety of social and institutional reforms
    (mortgage, consumer, agricultural projects; the compulsory motor third
    party liability insurance; the pension reform plan, among others)."

    "In the course of the last 5 years we have been thrilled to see the
    financial intermediation grown two and a half times in the economy,
    the average loan and deposit volumes increased to about 27 percent
    each, the weighted average interest rates of loans fallen by 3-4
    percentage points, as well as an increased access to financial
    services, an increasingly stronger corporate governance culture at
    banks and an elevated level of financial literacy among households.

    For comparison, as of end of 2008 the amount of the banking system
    credit was AMD 615 billion, with assets amounting to AMD 1.0 trillion,
    these indicators today are, respectively, AMD 1.6 trillion and AMD 2.7
    trillion. This is the outcome of our unswerving work year after year.

    We are full of pride for our currency and for the
    path it has gone so far." M.M.-0- - See more at: external_challenges_cb_head/#sthash.m0h7gL5k.dpuf
