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Hayk Demoyan Discusses Developments at the Armenian Genocide Museum

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  • Hayk Demoyan Discusses Developments at the Armenian Genocide Museum

    Hayk Demoyan Discusses Developments at the Armenian Genocide Museum Institute

    By MassisPost
    Updated: November 21, 2013

    Dr. Hayk Demoyan, Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum Institute
    (AGMI) in Yerevan, was interviewed by Deborah Hay, Program Coordinator
    of the International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies
    (A Division of the Zoryan Institute) on Nov. 11, 2013, during his
    recent trip to Canada.

    Dr. Demoyan has produced 13 publications, the most recent of which
    appeared in Russian, entitled `Turkey's Foreign Policy and the
    Karabakh Conflict,' which is based on his doctoral thesis. He is also
    Secretary of the State Commission on the Commemoration of the 100th
    Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

    Q1. Dr. Demoyan, welcome to Canada. Is this your first visit to our
    country? Please tell us about your activities here.

    HD - This is my first visit to Canada, and it is very important for
    me, as Director of the AGMI, to be here for the purpose of signing a
    Memorandum of Understanding between the Canadian Museum for Human
    Rights and the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute of the National
    Academy of Sciences. In addition, I took the opportunity to also meet
    with local centennial committees formed for the commemoration of the
    Armenian Genocide in 2015, as well as Armenian communities at large,
    to update them on the work being done at the AGMI and plans for
    centennial commemoration activities.

    In this respect, I must say that the Zoryan Institute has already made
    an important contribution towards the 2015 Centennial by facilitating
    the relationship between the two museums. It took the initiative using
    its good offices to bring an official of the CMHR, Dr. Clint Curle, to
    visit the AGMI earlier this year, to acquaint himself with Armenia's
    culture and history, and especially the Armenian Genocide. This was
    very important because the CMHR will be one of the most significant
    places in the world to have a permanent exhibition on the Armenian
    Genocide. During the visit, we confirmed that the AGMI and CMHR have
    so many interests in common that it made sense for us to establish an
    official working agreement. The Zoryan Institute has been instrumental
    as a facilitator and liaison between the two museums and will maintain
    an ongoing role in that capacity. I am sure this cooperation will
    facilitate the development of joint projects between the AGMI and the

    Q2. How far back do your relations with the Zoryan Institute go?

    HD - I first encountered the Zoryan Institute when I met its Executive
    Director, George Shirinian, in Yerevan in 2005. When I was appointed
    Director of the AGMI, it seemed natural that the two organizations
    should explore areas of mutual interest and cooperation. Zoryan has
    always been generous in providing the museum copies of its
    publications and has participated in our conferences. In 2012, we
    established an agreement to cooperate in the areas of research,
    publication, and student exchanges. That year, Zoryan provided
    scholarships for two student-staff members of the AGMI to travel to
    Canada and attend its renowned Genocide and Human Rights University
    Program run at the University of Toronto. This year, another three of
    our student-staff were sponsored to attend. They all reported that the
    experience was excellent for them, both academically, and personally.
    Zoryan staff continues to provide materials, assistance and advice to
    AGMI's researchers. In its turn AGMI is very supportive of Zoryan's
    researchers with necessary materials and consultation.

    Q3. Dr. Demoyan, you have been in charge of the Armenian Genocide
    Museum Institute for seven years now. Can you give us a brief overview
    of the developments of the museum during this time, especially in
    preparation for the Centennial?

    HD - During my time at the AGMI, I have especially stressed three
    aspects: the educational role of the museum, representing the Armenian
    Genocide in a broader human rights context, and international
    cooperation with other museums and academic organizations. Parallel to
    this, a great effort has been made to enrich the museum's collection
    with important and interesting documents and items, in order to
    include them in conceptually new exhibitions we are working on. As the
    collection grows, and the museum has more and more visitors, the
    current construction of new blocks for the museum will enable us to
    double our exhibition and storage spaces. These activities are an
    important part of the events dedicated to the centenary of the
    Armenian Genocide. Parallel to this, publishing activities and the
    development of numerous traveling exhibitions are planned to show in
    museum halls and other places worldwide. This is not a full list of
    our activities which, for sure, will continue after 2015 with new
    energy and vision.

    Q4. As the Secretary of the State Commission on the Commemoration of
    the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, you are involved in
    coordinating activities both in Armenia and the Diaspora. How does
    your visit to Canada fit into those overall activities?

    HD - Among the many duties and responsibilities of Secretary, I try to
    establish contact with local committees and develop cooperation on a
    common agenda. My visit to Canada is an excellent example of the
    positive results that can be achieved when Armenian and Diaspora-based
    organizations, both academic and otherwise, cooperate.

    I'd like to emphasize here that the Centennial Commission's role is
    not to tell the local committees what to do or what projects to
    undertake. Rather, it is to support them, coordinate their efforts,
    and ensure that all activities are done under the umbrella of the
    local centennial commemorating committees, represented by all
    community organizations equally. Effective and cordial cooperation
    among all community organizations will be crucial for the success of
    the 2015 commemorations.

    I'd like to make clear that my activities as Secretary of the State
    Commission and those as Director of the AGMI do differ. This is
    particularly critical in Canada, where a Canadian crown corporation,
    the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, is involved in promoting human
    rights and awareness about five recognized genocides, based on strict
    academic standards. We at the AGMI, being also an academic
    institution, will contribute to the CMHR's permanent exhibition from
    that perspective, providing extensive materials and information about
    the Armenian Genocide.

    The AGMI has been dealing with broad range of topics and activities on
    the Armenian Genocide for over 18 years, both conducting scientific
    research and representing its many aspects in educational displays.
    Together, the AGMI and the CMHR will work on developing new projects,
    among them new permanent exhibitions, as a new effort to preserve
    national memory and to raise awareness of the importance of human
    rights and genocide prevention. For this reason, I consider my visit
    to Canada as one of the high points of the AGMI's activities for 2013.

    Q5. You have visited Armenian communities around the world. Do you
    observe anything different about Canada?

    HD - One of the significant differences in Canada is that the
    government here had the moral fortitude to officially recognize the
    Armenian Genocide, despite political pressure to deny it.

    Canada is one of the world's greatest proponents of multiculturalism,
    whereby each of the many ethnic groups in this country can preserve
    their particular heritage and lifestyle while still being good
    Canadians. Canada enables and encourages all ethnic groups to share
    their own history, memory, and values with one another. Canada has a
    significant Armenian community, with churches, political, cultural and
    social organizations. You have here an established, international,
    academic institute dealing with issues relating to the Armenian
    Genocide, Diaspora, and Armenia for the past thirty years. My research
    shows that despite many challenges of assimilation, the Armenian
    community here is a strong, contributing component of the Canadian

    We were very pleased to see CMHR officials from Canada visit Armenia
    in order to strengthen their understanding of the Armenian Genocide.
    During the visit, we found we had a meeting of minds in our goal of
    combating the violation of human rights, and we have now made official
    the cooperation between our two museums. I am sure the exhibits in the
    CMHR will help Canadians learn more about the Armenian Genocide and
    understand why their government officially recognizes it.

    Q6. What is the objective of the Memorandum of Understanding between
    the two museums?

    HD - The agreement will trigger the exchange of ideas, experiences,
    information and materials, exhibitions, sharing of research and
    advice, cooperation to advance the academic study of human rights, the
    Armenian Genocide and its effects, and processes seeking justice and
    reconciliation. It can serve as a model for other museums around the
    world for how to approach the Armenian Genocide through the lens of
    universal human rights.

    Because of the enormity of the subject, I am sure that synergies with
    the CMHR will benefit us in Armenia in conceptualizing new approaches
    and new permanent and travelling exhibits, particularly the emphasis
    on human rights. At the same time, we hope to be helpful to the CMHR
    in developing the Armenian section of their exhibits, where the Zoryan
    institute will also be involved in an ongoing role as liaison and

    This agreement can be seen as a new starting point for education of
    the Armenian Genocide and for fighting against denial of the Genocide
    in world history. I hope it may also serve as the starting point for
    the establishment of a network of museums that deal with genocide and
    human rights. This is especially critical for 2014, a year when many
    countries will commemorate the centennial of the WWI, under cover of
    which Ottoman Turkey committed the Armenian Genocide.

    Q7. Is there anything you would like to add in closing?

    HD - Yes. My wish is that I come back to Canada as soon as possible to
    realize joint initiatives and programs, both in the academic field and
    also regarding community activities related to the centennial. I have
    no doubt our joint efforts will produce successful results in pursuit
    of our mission.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress