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Georgia is disappointed by the decision of Ukraine, the EU recalls A

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  • Georgia is disappointed by the decision of Ukraine, the EU recalls A

    Georgia is disappointed by the decision of Ukraine, the EU recalls
    Armenia's mistakes

    November 23 2013

    `The EU respects Armenia's sovereign rights on Customs Union
    accession,' said Traian Hristea, Head of EU Delegation to Armenia,
    today, at the conference on `From Warsaw to Vilnius: at the crossroads
    - Armenia and Georgia'. Continuing, he said. `EU will continue
    supporting Armenia in the fields that are focused on ensuring human
    rights and fundamental freedoms, with regard to which there are some
    drawbacks in terms of implementation of legislative initiatives. EU
    remains Armenia's cooperating organization, and after Vilnius we will
    try to find ways of cooperation that will be consistent with the
    directions of Armenia's foreign policy.' The Eastern Partnership
    Roadmap 2012-2013 monitoring reports for Armenia and Georgia were
    presented. Executive Director of `Transparency International'
    Anti-Corruption Center Varuzhan Hoktanyan referred to electoral
    standards, `Armenia is among the countries where there is a systemic
    corruption, and it was logical that the political corruption will
    emerge during the elections. Abuse of administrative resources by the
    ruling political force is the main corruption manifestation during
    elections. During the last elections in Armenia, we were witnesses of
    these manifestations with some variation differences.' OSF-Armenia
    Executive Director, Larisa Minasyan, said, `We will try to show that
    the defect of democracy and non establishment of institutions give
    rise and great opportunity to pressures, and as a result of conceding,
    decisions are made, which we witnessed when the direction was such
    dramatically changed'. asked the representative of Open
    Society-Georgia Foundation, Vano Chkhikvadze, how he assesses
    Ukraine's decision of not signing the EU agreement. He replied,
    `Viewing from Georgia's standpoint, this is a very disappointing
    decision. Ukraine's example may serve a bad example. Russia's pressure
    is obvious here. We have no guarantee that Georgia or Moldova would
    not be the next. Georgia is the only country in the South Caucasus,
    which is still consistent to its decision to go to the EU, which is
    pretty hard. As for Armenia's membership to the Customs Union, then
    it's your government's decision. But, here, Europeanization of the
    region becomes more complicated.'

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