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D. Tonoyan: Russian military base in Armenia equipped with 18 helico

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  • D. Tonoyan: Russian military base in Armenia equipped with 18 helico

    D. Tonoyan: Russian military base in Armenia equipped with 18 helicopters

    Saturday, Novembe 23, 2013

    The Russian military base in Armenia is deployed in various areas -
    military towns whose list is subject to change in case of need, First
    Deputy Defense Minister of Armenia David Tonoyan said in an interview
    with RFE/RL Armenian service, when commenting on the Armenian
    government's decision to allocate additional areas to the Russian
    military base.

    In his words, the latest decision to allocate additional lands to the
    Russian side stems from Armenia's security interests. He said that for
    the same reason the Russian base is being equipped with 18

    `The air force component of the 102nd base is being reinforced with a
    helicopter squadron as the military base's tasks of ensuring the
    security of Armenia have changed,' the deputy minister said.

    He explained that the lands allocated for modernization of the Russian
    air base located in Erebuni Airport and for its re-equipment with
    modern weapons are not used currently by Armenian troops and have been
    provided for temporary use.

    `The temporary use means a period, for which the deployment of the
    Russian military base in Armenia has been extended,' the deputy
    minister clarified.

    Let us remind you that in April 2011 Armenia's National Assembly
    ratified a decision to prolong the deployment of the Russian military
    base in Armenia for 49 years.

    Asked on what conditions the areas are allocated and if the Russia
    side pays for them, David Tonoyan replied: `Russia does not pay
    financially, but our agreements on ensuring our security are above
    financial aspects'.

    Asked why the Russian military base is being modernized and if that
    modernization means that tension has increased, D. Tonoyan said: `I
    would call it a preventive step to ensure regional security, but the
    Russian base is also being brought into line with modern standards'.

    As regards the further development of Armenia-NATO relations given
    that, according to statements of the Armenian authorities, Armenia
    will join the Customs Union in a few months, the deputy minister said:
    `From the viewpoint of cooperation in the spheres where we cooperate,
    it is assistance with our reforms, our military training, and
    formation of our skills in peacekeeping cooperation. In this sense we
    don't see any restrictions for our cooperation with NATO or EU
    countries'. NATO's cooperation with Armenia is being carried out
    within the framework of the Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP),
    he added.

    The recent gunfire opened by Azerbaijan at border areas of Tavush
    province in Armenia was also discussed during the talk with the deputy
    minister. Asked why the Azerbaijan side displayed such activity as
    there had been no similar incidents in recent years, D. Tonoyan said:
    `In recent years Azerbaijan didn't hold presidential elections, nor
    was a new defense minister appointed. Our analysis shows that it was
    more conditioned by the transition period when the new defense
    minister was appointed'.

    `Since the moment when the Minsk Group Co-chairs said that military
    actions can be seen as actions aimed at damaging peace efforts, the
    number of ceasefire violations has declined sharply,' David Tonoyan

    TODAY, 14:45
