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Summary of Global Gold Corp

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  • Summary of Global Gold Corp
    Form 8-K for GLOBAL GOLD CORP


    Other Events

    Item 8.01 Other Events

    On November 21, 2013, the Company received from its attorneys the
    "without prejudice" ruling of the Judge J. Paul Oetken of United
    States District Court for the Southern District of New York which
    vacated the $37.5 million default judgment which the Company had
    obtained against former Armenian Minister of Environment Vartan
    Ayvazian solely on jurisdictional grounds. The ruling is expressly
    "without prejudice" to Global Gold's right to re-file or continue to
    pursue the case, and the Company is currently reviewing its legal
    options. The court did not rule on the corruption charges or damage
    amount caused by Ayvazian's actions, basing its findings on Ayvazian's
    general insufficient contacts with New York. One of the shareholders
    of the Armenian party to the agreement under which the Company brought
    suit against Ayvazian identified him as the undisclosed principal who
    controlled the transaction and divided the funds paid by Global Gold.
    The November 21, 2013 court ruling also did not address those facts.
    This ruling has no effect on the Company's financial statements as
    this judgment was never recorded on the Company's books.

    As previously reported, in 2006, GGH, which was the license holder for
    the Hankavan and Marjan properties, was the subject of corrupt and
    improper demands and threats from the now former Minister of the
    Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Armenia, Vardan
    Ayvazian. Specifically, the Company was asked to pay a $3 million
    bribe which it refused to pay. The Company reported this situation to
    the appropriate authorities in Armenia and in the United States. On
    November 7, 2006, the Company initiated the thirty-day good faith
    negotiating period (which is a prerequisite to filing for
    international arbitration under the 2003 SHA, LLC Share Purchase
    Agreement) with the three named shareholders and one previously
    undisclosed principal, Mr. Ayvazian. The Company filed for arbitration
    under the rules under the International Chamber of Commerce,
    headquartered in Paris, France ("ICC"), on December 29, 2006. On
    September 25, 2008, the Federal District Court for the Southern
    District of New York ruled that Mr. Ayvazian was required to appear as
    a respondent in the ICC arbitration. On September 5, 2008, the ICC
    International Court of Arbitration ruled that Mr. Ayvazian shall be a
    party in accordance with the decision rendered on September 25, 2008
    by the Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York.
    Subsequently, in December 2011 the ICC Tribunal decided to proceed
    only with the three named shareholders; in March 2012, GGM filed an
    action in Federal District Court pursuant to that Court's decisions
    for damages against Ayvazian and/or to conform the ICC Tribunal to the
    precedents, and on July 11, 2012 the Federal Court entered judgment in
    favor of the Company, which was not appealed and became final. Based
    on the evidence of the damages suffered as a result of Ayvazyan's
    actions, the final $37,537,978.02 federal court judgment in favor of
    GGM was comprised of $27,152,244.50 in compensatory damages plus
    $10,385,734.52 of interest at 9% from 2008. The Company notified the
    ICC that the pending arbitration against the other three shareholders
    should be terminated as moot, considering the judgment against
    Ayvazian. The ICC complied with the Company's request and terminated
    that proceeding.

    Separately, and based on the US Armenia Bilateral Investment Treaty,
    Global Gold filed a request for arbitration against the Republic of
    Armenia for the actions of then Minister of Environment and Natural
    Resources Ayvazian with the International Centre for Settlement of
    Investment Disputes, which is a component agency of the World Bank in
    Washington, D.C. ("ICSID"), on January 29, 2007. On August 31, 2007,
    the Government of Armenia and GGM jointly issued the following
    statement, "[they] jointly announce that they have suspended the ICSID
    arbitration pending conclusion of a detailed settlement agreement. The
    parties have reached a confidential agreement in principle, and
    anticipate that the final settlement agreement will be reached within
    10 days of this announcement." GGM entered into a conditional,
    confidential settlement agreement with the Government of the Republic
    of Armenia to discontinue the ICSID arbitration proceedings, which
    were discontinued as of May 2, 2008. The November 21, 2013 "without
    prejudice" ruling does not affect the ICSID settlement.

    Yerevan 0009 Armenia, Str. Zaroubian 1/1
    E-mail: [email protected]
