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Western Prelacy News - 11/23/2013

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  • Western Prelacy News - 11/23/2013

    November 22, 2013
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Dear Faithful,

    Thanksgiving is upon us and soon we will celebrate the Glorious Birth and
    Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ. During this blessed season, let us
    reflect on the good in our lives and express our gratitude to our Lord for
    His abundant love, mercy, and blessings. Let us remember also the less
    fortunate and share our gifts with them to make the season a joyous one for

    Thanksgiving Day is all the more special for the Armenian people as our
    community rallies to lend a helping hand to our brethren in Armenia,
    Artsakh, and Syria, through the annual Armenia Fund Telethon, a much-beloved
    tradition. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, has issued a
    directive to all Prelacy Churches and Schools to encourage their
    parishioners, parents, and students to bring their participation to the

    The Prelate calls on our community to once again contribute to this
    worthwhile cause, which this year will benefit construction of the
    Vardenis-Martakert Highway, a vital pathway linking Armenia and Artsakh and
    which will be mutually beneficial for both countries and their citizens. In
    addition, a portion of the proceeds raised in the Western United States will
    benefit the Syrian people. Please open your hearts this season and give a
    hand to those in need. Your donation will make a difference in the lives of
    our people and our nation.



    On Sunday, November 24, 2013, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate, will preside over Divine Liturgy and deliver the sermon at St.
    Mary's Church in Glendale.


    On November 16 and 17, 2013, the Armenian Apostolic Church of
    Colorado and the Rocky Mountain region celebrated a joyous occasion, the
    30th anniversary of its organization, with Divine Liturgy celebrated by H.E.
    Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian and community gatherings.
    By the invitation of the Board of Trustees, the Prelate, accompanied
    by Rev. Fr. Vazken Atmajian and Deacon Shahe Jierian arrived in Denver on
    Saturday and was greeted at the airport by Board of Trustees Chair Mr. Vahe
    In the evening, a reception in honor of His Eminence was held at the
    home of Kaloust and Arous Christianian. It was a memorable evening for the
    parish community as they enjoyed the presence and encouraging words of the
    Prelate. Given that we are approaching the Christmas season, His Eminence
    conducted the traditional blessing of the home service and also blessed the
    guests in attendance, through which he extended his blessings to the
    community. A surprise performance of song and music was presented by the
    Christianian grandchildren.
    On Sunday morning, the community gathered at St. Gabriel the
    Archangel Episcopal Church for Divine Liturgy. Fr. Vazken and Deacon Shahe
    assisted at the altar. The Church Rector, Fr. Chris Ditzenberger, attended
    the service.
    To start his sermon, the Prelate first greeted the Church Rector and
    commended the Board of Trustees, the members, volunteers, and visiting
    clergy who work together to keep the parish community active. He stated
    that "though you are far from us physically, know that you are always in our
    hearts and thoughts, and it is our wish to see this parish grow, become more
    organized, and be the best that it can be with a strong and active group of
    parishioners and regular services to draw the community closer to one
    another." Given that the day was the eve of Advent, the fifty day period
    until the Birth and Theophany of our Lord, the Prelate reflected on the true
    meaning of Advent as a spiritual journey, a time of prayer and reformation
    of our hearts and spiritual preparation to welcome Christ's coming. Turning
    to the day's Gospel reading from Luke 9:44-50, His Eminence spoke on the
    message of humility and service imparted to us by the reading. The Almighty
    humbled Himself and submitted to death on the Cross out of His great love
    for us, said the Prelate, and He calls us to humble ourselves and join Him
    in service for others. As children of God and of one family, we are called
    to respect and love and encourage each other, to love each other in the same
    way that He loves us, humbly and sacrificially.
    As the eve of Advent also signals the approach of Thanksgiving and
    the Christmas season, the Prelate stressed that this time of year is a time
    of love and joy, but also of charity, a time to remember the less fortunate.
    "As Armenians, we have an added responsibility to help our less fortunate
    brothers and sisters in Armenia, Artsakh, and in Syria," said His Eminence,
    calling on the faithful to lend a helping hand and make the Christmas season
    a joyous one for as many people as possible by contributing to the upcoming
    Armenia Fund Telethon, which this year will benefit construction of the
    Vardenis-Martakert highway and with ten percent of the proceeds raised in
    the Western United States allocated to the Syrian-Armenian community.
    Speaking on Thanksgiving, the Prelate reminded the faithful to
    always give thanks to God for all our blessings, stating that our lives may
    not be perfect, but we all have countless reasons to be thankful for. Let
    us express our gratitude to God not just with words but with actions, by
    sharing our blessings with others and spreading the love and mercy of Christ
    through charity, concluded the Prelate.
    Following the collective confession, the parishioners approached the
    altar to receive Holy Communion from the Prelate. The service concluded
    with the requiem service, after which guests took a group photo with His
    Guests were then invited to a luncheon hosted by the Board of
    On behalf of the Board of Trustees and parishioners, Mr. Berejiklian
    conveyed gratitude to the Prelate for his and the Prelacy's thirty years of
    support to the community. The Prelate commended the Board of Trustees and
    Ladies Guild for their dedicated service, and expressed joy that in
    conjunction with the Board of Trustees and with the purpose of further
    organizing the parish, Divine Liturgy would from now on be celebrated on a
    monthly basis. His Eminence also praised the choir for their beautiful
    singing of the Liturgy, led by Mrs. Anoush Peterson and accompanied by Mrs.
    Lilian Krikorian on the organ, and presented a memento to Church Rector, Fr.
    Chris Ditzenberger, in thanks and appreciation for his support. The Prelate
    also presented mementos to all in attendance.
    The 30th anniversary cake, prepared by a member of the community,
    was cut and served, and the luncheon came to a close with the Cilician and
    Armenian national anthems and the benediction by the Prelate. Guests
    departed renewed and invigorated in spirit, having lived a memorable and
    joyous weekend.


    On Sunday, November 24, the Armenia Fund annual gala will take place
    at the Glendale Hilton, with guests of honor His Excellence Bako Sahakyan,
    President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and H.E. Archbishop Barkev
    Martirosyan, Primate of Arstakh.
    The Prelate will attend and convey his blessings. Executive Council
    members will also be in attendance.
    On Thursday, November 28, Thanksgiving Day, Armenia Fund 16th
    international Telethon will air from 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. PST. Proceeds
    from this year's Telethon will benefit construction of the
    Vardenis-Martakert Highway. Ten percent of donations raised in the Western
    Untied States will be allocated to the Syrian-Armenian community.
    The Prelate will participate in the Telethon with a prayer and will
    also deliver his message on this occasion. We appeal to our faithful to
    once again lend their support to this important cause.


    The Committee for Armenian Students in Public Schools (CASPS) has
    organized a special program of music and poetry dedicated to Komitas,
    "Father of Modern Armenian Music", performed by the Lark Musical Society.
    The event, benefitting Armenian students in public schools, will be
    held on Sunday, November 24, at 3:00 p.m. at the Colburn School of
    Performing Arts in downtown Los Angeles.
    The Prelate will attend and convey his blessings. Executive Council
    Chair Mrs. Rima Boghossian and member Dr. Dikran Babikian will also be in


    Friday, November 22nd, is the 70th anniversary of the Independence
    of the Republic of Lebanon.
    On this occasion, the Consulate General of Lebanon in Los Angeles
    has organized a reception to be held on Saturday, November 23rd, at the
    Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, hosted by Consul General the Honorable Johnny
    Ibrahim and his wife.
    The Prelate will attend and convey the congratulations and well
    wishes of our Prelacy and the Armenian community to the Lebanese community.
    Executive Council members will also attend.


    On Friday, November 15, the Mesrobian School family gathered at
    "Bagramian" Hall of Holy Cross Cathedral in Montebello for a special
    reception honoring long-time teacher Mr. Neil Dodd for his 40 years of
    On this occasion, the Prelate had issued a Letter of Blessing and
    Commendation to Mr. Dodd. Holy Cross Cathedral Dean Very Rev. Fr. Muron
    Aznikian attended and read and presented the Prelate's letter.
    In his message, His Eminence saluted Mr. Dodd's over four decades of
    devoted service to Armenian students and his fundamental contributions to
    the life of Mesrobian School. He praised Mr. Dodd as a great teacher who
    not only provided top-notch instruction to over a thousand students, but has
    and continues to go above and beyond the call of duty, becoming a father
    figure, mentor, role model, supporter, and friends. The Prelate commended
    Principal Mr. David Ghoogasian, Holy Cross Cathedral Board of Trustees,
    School Board, organizing committee, the administration, faculty, staff,
    students, parents, alumni, and auxiliary committees of Armenian Mesrobian
    School for their efforts in organizing this event worthily honoring and
    celebrating Mr. Neil Dodd for his invaluable service in educating,
    instructing, and shaping the minds, hearts, and souls of our youth.

    From: Baghdasarian