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Grim, very grim is our present. Quo Vadimus...

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  • Grim, very grim is our present. Quo Vadimus...

    Grim, very grim is our present. Quo Vadimus=85

    00:03, November 25, 2013

    Seda Gbranian-Melkonian

    It's Monte's birthday again. A time of accountability and reflection on
    what we have and have not done. However, when I think about the past
    several months, I hardly find anything positive to report in the Armenian
    reality. In an atmosphere where economic interests overshadow everything
    else, an empty country looks at us. A country, whose population gradually
    seeks conditions of survival wherever it happens to be, since the `Royalty'
    does not seem to be very interested in what happens to its `subjects.'
    Perhaps the only movement we can see is the few backward steps concerning
    migration, the draining of the aquifer and other probable drainage
    processes. Grim, very grim is our present. Quo Vadimus=85

    On 1.11.88 Monte writes to me `=85The last ten days or so of news about the 3
    California Grey Whales has shown us how unbalanced people's priorities can
    be. It's absolutely true that the 3 million starving people in Sudan, the 2
    million in Ethiopia, the 2 million in Mozambique, the millions starving in
    the rest of Africa, the 25 million homeless in Bangladesh, the vicious
    capitalist exploitation in Brazil (and other counties), the chemical war
    against the Kurdish people, and all the other wars and unbearable treatment
    of human-beings all over the world-without even mentioning our own
    people's situation- deserve more attention than 3 whales which are unlikely
    to survive anyway. It's incredible how people can be so cold and
    indifferent to each other. Nonetheless, ecological problems are extremely
    important for the survival of human life, too. Those 3 whales don't
    represent a true ecological problem, so it's a bad example. The root of the
    problem is economic and political, but also demographic. In reality the
    root of ecological problems is the same as that of other problems affecting
    human-beings such as war, exploitation, unemployment, lack of medical aid,
    etc. etc. The source of all of this lies in narrow short term, isolated
    economic interests which totally conflicts with the true interests of the
    people. People who support such economic policies are true criminals.'

    I don't think anything needs to be added=85
