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Are Elderly Armenian Women Victims Of Hate Crimes?

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  • Are Elderly Armenian Women Victims Of Hate Crimes?


    Al Monitor
    Nov 26 2013

    Author: Orhan Kemal Cengiz
    Posted November 25, 2013

    A string of attacks against elderly Armenian women occurred in
    Istanbul in late 2012 and early 2013. The victims were all lone
    octogenarians. Two of them were badly battered and lost their sight,
    while a third was stabbed to death after a brutal beating.

    The first victim, Turfanda Asik, 87, lost an eye as a result of a
    severe beating at the hands of an assailant who broke into her home.

    The assailant - or perhaps the assailants - took nothing from the

    Shortly after, Maritsa Kucuk, 84, was found dead in her home, stabbed
    seven times and badly beaten. Only the earrings and other jewelry
    she usually wore were missing, while money was left untouched.

    The third victim, Sultan Aykar, 83, was knocked down by an assailant
    approaching from behind while she unlocked the door to her home.

    Thanks to neighbors who heard the noise and rushed to help, she
    survived the attack but also lost an eye.

    All three incidents happened in Istanbul's Samatya neighborhood, home
    to 8,000-10,000 members of Istanbul's 60,000-strong Armenian minority.

    As expected, the attacks had a terrorizing effect on Armenians,
    sending shock waves across the entire community.

    It was obvious that the string of violence was directed exclusively
    at elderly Armenian women and was not robbery-motivated. Yet, in
    their initial statements the police insisted that the assailants were
    robbery-motivated and did not act in an organized way.

    Such statements only fueled the anxiety of the Armenian community,
    spreading fears that the police's careless attitude would further
    embolden the perpetrators. Human rights groups and activists against
    hate crimes raised concern that the state was yet again displaying
    a knee-jerk impulse to look the other way when violence targeted
    Turkey's Armenians. But just as the controversy had begun to grow,
    the police came up with a surprise, announcing on March 4, the arrest
    of the 38-year-old alleged assailant. The suspect's blood sample
    matched the one found in Kucuk's home. He had a criminal record for
    theft as well as another characteristic that debunked those who saw
    the attacks as hate crimes against Armenians: Murat Nazaryan was
    himself of Armenian origin.

    The controversy waned after the suspect's profile emerged and the
    attacks came to be seen as incidents of ordinary crime.

    The doubts, however, were soon rekindled when the judicial process
    kicked off. The court handled Nazaryan's case in a bizarre fashion,
    following procedures typical for cases of terrorism and organized
    crime. The prosecution imposed a blackout on the investigation, which
    meant that the victims' relatives and lawyers had no access to the
    case file until the trial opened.

    To see the other bizarre details in Nazaryan's case, let's take a
    look at the press statement that the victims' attorney, Eren Keskin,
    and the Human Rights Association's Istanbul branch released jointly on
    Nov. 19 under the headline "Was Maritsa Kucuk killed in a hate crime?

    Shed light on the truth!"

    Here are the highlights of the statement: "Maritsa Kucuk, 87, was
    battered and stabbed to death on Dec. 28, 2012. Had murder been the
    only motive, an abrupt blow or a firearm shot would have sufficed to
    kill a woman at that age. Yet, she was brutally battered for hours
    and repeatedly stabbed.

    "From Nov. 28, 2012 to Jan. 26, 2013, a period that spans Maritsa
    Kucuk's murder, other elderly Armenian women were targeted in
    Samatya in similar attacks involving brutal violence. Following
    Murat Nazaryan's arrest, all news reports, which were obviously
    funneled to the media from a single source, highlighted Nazaryan's
    Armenian ethnicity, branded him the "Samatya assailant," creating the
    impression he was responsible for all attacks, and asserted that the
    attacks were robbery-motivated. Murat Nazaryan, however, is currently
    on trial only for Maritsa Kucuk's murder.

    "The meetings we had with the victims' families led to one conclusion:
    The attacks were not robbery-motivated. Asik was battered for hours
    but not even a single drawer was opened in her home. Kucuk's home
    was found all tidy, they didn't look for anything there. Several bank
    notes on the table were untouched.

    "Maritsa Kucuk's family and their attorney Eren Keskin were barred
    access to the crime-scene report and photos and other related police
    documents for no less than six months before the trial kicked off
    because the prosecution had imposed a secrecy decision on the probe.

    The practice of secrecy is used mostly in cases of organized crimes
    or in cases related to state security. Why did it become necessary,
    if this is an ordinary murder file?

    "Murat Nazaryan remained silent in the first two hearings. The only
    thing he said was, 'I didn't kill anyone.' At the hearing on Nov. 4,
    2013, the truth began to slowly emerge. Maritsa Kucuk was killed by
    three people, who had taken Nazaryan along by force. They had guns. ...

    [Nazaryan] mentioned gangs. He said he had kept silent because he
    was bullied and frightened."

    Nazaryan's new testimony has led human rights groups and the victims'
    families to believe that a larger campaign of organized attacks could
    have been underway than originally was thought. They are urging the
    authorities to expand the investigation.

    Nazaryan's testimony has yet to lead to other arrests, but hate
    crime is back under consideration as the motive. If his account is
    not a fabrication, Nazaryan seems to be a mere pawn, with the real
    perpetrators at large.

    The theory of an organized racist group is being strengthened
    by the fact that another Armenian woman was attacked in Istanbul
    on Aug. 17, months after Nazaryan's arrest. Like the other women,
    Markirit Camkosoglu, 80, suffered serious physical violence but was
    lucky enough to escape without major injury.

    It would be premature to conclude at present whether Nazaryan is a
    deranged ordinary criminal or a pawn manipulated by a racist gang. In
    any case, Kucuk's murder and the other attacks deserve to be followed
    very closely, keeping in mind the possibility of an organized hate
    campaign. Could it be that some gangs in Turkey are trying to give
    a message in the run-up to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
    genocide? Is it the resurgence of anti-Armenian attacks, unseen since
    the 2007 assassination of ethnic Armenian journalist Hrant Dink? If
    Nazaryan was not really alone, many fresh questions will continue to
    pop up.
