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How Russian Troops Occupied Artsakh

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  • How Russian Troops Occupied Artsakh


    The ex-head of the National Security Service Davit Shahnazaryan made
    an interesting statement. He said that in 1992 the 23-rd division
    of the Russian army occupied a considerable part of Artsakh for
    Azerbaijan. Shahnazaryan reminded that in 1992 the USSR did not exist,
    and it was the Russian army's division.

    Most participants of the war in Artsakh say in private talks that
    the Russian army often fought against them, therefore Azerbaijan
    achieved some minor successes in Artsakh. After the liberation of
    Shushi and Lachin a large-scale offensive was launched on the Armenian
    armed forces in Artsakh, and Azerbaijan took a lot of territories,
    and there were a lot of victims on the Armenian side. Later most of
    those territories were liberated but some territories continue to be
    occupied by Azerbaijan, such as the north of Martakert.

    Strangely, aside from private talks there have been no specific
    statements on Russia's active support to Azerbaijan during the war. A
    lot of people know about this but have been silent so far. And besides
    this is not a surprise in a country where a person named Krivopuskov
    is on a friendly diplomatic mission who used to head the Russian riot
    police in 1991 in Artsakh, disarming and intimidating the Armenians
    of Artsakh.

    If Krivopuskov is in full diplomatic blossom in Armenia, hardly any
    flower will fade from a public statement about the actions of the
    Russian army against the Armenian forces in Artsakh.

    However, the statement was voiced, and it is good that it was voiced.

    If Davit Shahnazaryan exaggerates, let someone prove the opposite
    with facts and arguments. If there is no exaggeration, a chain of
    exaggerations of the Armenian-Russian friendship will open up which
    was used to feed the citizens of independent Armenia shaping the
    mindset that they have to obey the Russians in any case because they
    will at least protect us from enemies.

    In reality, the Russians did not protect us from our enemies but fed
    us to our enemies, and our security depended on how soon Russia's hand
    would get tired from feeding or how soon the enemies would get full.

    Russia understood that it would be easier to negotiate with a full
    enemy. Hence, the Russians fed Armenians to the enemies of Armenians
    and later negotiated with them.

    The Armenian people escaped this meat grinder when they defended their
    right to make decisions and did not exchange it with any abstract
    and relative security. This made the victory of Artsakh possible.

    The primary guarantee of security is the exercise of the right to make
    decisions. Whenever this right is given away, the other components
    of security become relative and abstract.

    Hakob Badalyan 22:20 27/11/2013 Story from News:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress