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"Hey Guys, And Who Will Pay The Bill?"

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  • "Hey Guys, And Who Will Pay The Bill?"


    November 27 2013

    Leader of the Democratic Party of Armenia, Aram Sargsyan, about
    Armenia-CU, Armenia-EU relations and Vladimir Putin's visit to
    Armenia. - A few days ago, Iran agreed with the great "six", sanctions
    against Iran are mitigated, which, according to some analysts, means
    that Iran will become a serious competitor for Russia in the region.

    In this context, if we analyze the Sept. 3 statement, didn't the
    President hurry? - I do not share the view, because Iran's problem was
    also regulated thanks to the very specific stance of China and Russia.

    In addition, Iran clearly realizes that the problem with the nuclear
    program is not resolved as of today, Iran has received a six-month
    term, during which it should be able to execute the set forth claims,
    the U.S. Senate has yet to consider the issue of sanctions and so on.

    However, Iran and Russia have always been main partners in the region
    and have always been considered a North -South strategic axis. The
    stance of the Democratic Party of Armenia is such that Armenia
    should be in the core. Now, this core can be more strengthened. I
    would view the problem as follows: Russia and China clearly realize
    that more stable the core is, more stability will be provided in the
    region. In my assessment, in this reality, it is interesting to see how
    Turkey-Iran relations will develop. Here, they are really competitors
    in all issues: religion, religious characteristics, and geopolitical.

    Russia led such a policy that Turkey and Iran are seeking closer
    relations with it. Erdogan's recent statement regarding Turkey's
    admission to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was the bright
    example of it, as Turkey does not cherish a hope to join the CU. In
    other words, major changes are happening in front of our eyes, but
    tectonic plates are still moving, and no one can still tell as to
    where and with what configuration they will stop. The only clear
    thing is that, apparently, the world accepts Russia's role. Today,
    we can unequivocally say that the world became bipolar, USA-Europe,
    Russia-China-South Asian Sector. It became clear that in today's world
    it is not possible to make a move without considering these interests.

    Now, everyone is talking about Russia's pressures to its partners,
    but, let's understand whether it is a pressure or protection of its
    interests. And, what, isn't the other side doing the same? Still in
    1997, I mentioned in an article that if we can really make North-South,
    Russia-Georgia-Armenia-Iran axis a core, if Georgia desires, we
    get a guarantee of stability and turning to not an opposite, but a
    self-sufficient unit, which should have to go for cooperation. When
    the RF and South Asian section were a little weak, NATO was expanding,
    the EU - with Association programs, and now it was clear that it is
    necessary to proceed though cooperation. Examples, Syria and Iran. Even
    the United States did not take into consideration Israel's and Saudi
    Arabia's positions, as it realized that such a hotbed of conflict
    could be created, which can become uncontrollable.

    The U.S. made a fairly balanced decision, and at this very moment,
    Barack Obama is singled out in the political arena as a rational
    decision-maker based on "real-politics." - How do you assess the
    anti-Putin complaints in Ukraine? In your assessment, what direction
    will eventually take Ukraine? - I think the western stream created a
    pretty strange situation, forming an illusion that if we include the
    EU Association plan, we will enter the world of civilization. I want
    to remind you that Turkey is more than ten years in the EU Association
    plan, but the EU is not going to accept Turkey in its staff.

    Basically, I want to us to have a sober assessment to the processes,
    excluding the emotions. Ultimately, we want to build up a state,
    let's leave our, Ukrain's and Russia's internal problems, it is clear
    by itself that it is a very special and serious problem, but if we
    think that we can solve our internal problems, if we proceed towards
    this-or-that vector, it will be the biggest mistake and an illusion.

    If this is the starting point, then an entirely different approach
    and analysis is required, if, simple, one says that this is good, the
    other says that is good, it is an amateur and amateurish approach,
    which, unfortunately, has covered us, Ukrainians, Moldovan, and
    partially, Georgians. Why is EU against trilateral negotiations:
    EU-Ukraine-Russia? What is the meaning of accepting these countries
    in the Association plan, which will be the result? Let's leave the
    rumors aside that the conduct or guide reforms. It has been 22 years
    since reforms are being implemented in Armenia, what was the output,
    do we have a better judicial system, developed economy, the best
    government system...? No. What are we carried away with? There are
    numerous questions. As for Ukraine, the Prime Minister of the country
    had to disclose, which, by the way, was recently made Serbia, stating
    that looking at the requirements that are set forth, we realize what
    is going to happen to us. Yanukovych, again, said that enterprises can
    be closed down under pressure, and so on. In other words, you're not
    yet ready to make another move. If a country is so self-sufficient
    that can decide what and how to do, it is another matter. This is
    not a place for emotions, but a simple calculation. Ukraine will
    delay signing of the Association Agreement, and perhaps, meantime,
    it will see that at this moment it is more beneficial to be in the
    CU. But, let's forget about Ukraine, let them solve their problems,
    we will solve ours. Let's tell the people that today it is not the
    time to build up barricades and stand on different sides of it. Let's
    sit down, talk, and understand what the interests of our country are,
    and proceed accordingly. Once, I have told my opponents that all three
    authorities of Armenia, during their tenure, pretty consistently,
    have handed the major part of the economy, 70-80 percent, over to the
    management of Russia. Respective work and investments were made. The
    entire defense system of Armenia is anchored on Russia's and CSTO
    factor, now you say, "See you! Bye-bye!" They say from the other side,
    "Hey guys, and who will pay the bill?" Maybe, I simplifies too much,
    but this is the reality. And, when we were making the steps, weren't
    you thinking, or you were working in a "ripping off" option. It is due
    to the very policy that we are unable to resolve the internal issues.

    - Russia's President's upcoming visit has caused great excitement in
    our country; calls for anti-Putin protests are voiced. How do you
    look at it, and, in general, what political consequences will the
    visit have to Armenia? - At this moment, Putin's visit to Armenia is
    a major event, at least, insofar that the President of Russia, unlike
    in previous years, is much more popular in the world as one of the
    leading political figures, since his initiatives and proposals were
    fulfilled. It is of significant importance in great policy, whether
    you like it or not, you must take into consideration. Given that there
    is a decision, and Armenia will rapidly become a CU member, in my
    opinion, this visit will result in specifying the programs. I think
    it would be right to focus the attention on the economic development
    of Armenia, since we do not have a specific problem with defense. So,
    it is no coincidence that a large group of entrepreneurs join Putin,
    and the third economic forum will be held. In fact, the first two
    forums were failed just because of the Armenian side. The Armenian
    side was not so consistent in implementing the programs obtained
    during the first forum regarding agricultural developments between
    the marzes of Armenia and the Russian provinces. The government of
    Armenia is also committed to introduce small and medium enterprise
    development projects of all over Armenia. And when Putin declares about
    strengthening the air defense system with Armenia and Kazakhstan,
    we should understand that the matter is about perspective projects,
    for which the state system should also be strengthened. Now, we need
    to focus whole policy of preventing migration, moreover, providing
    immigration. Anyway, this is how I see the outcome of this visit. As
    to whether or not Armenia will become an attachment, it depends on us.

    No one will force it to become. I do not understand the calls for
    protests. If, let's say, Obama comes, how would you accept him? What's
    the difference? What does the American do that we want to love and
    respect him, but this man that has taken 70-80 percent of your economy
    over him, you do not want to respect? If you are not interested, if
    you are not venal, you are not given some grants to think so... if
    you are not as such, I would be glad to sit down and discuss the
    benefits of both programs. For instance, it is not clear to me that
    the current administrative system, which was working for more than
    four years towards Armenia's moving to Europe in every possible way,
    now has changed in 180 degrees, and must try to persuade everyone,
    assert and most importantly, they should be convinced work that the
    way to CU is the right way. That will not work. It is true that these
    people give up their jobs if they were sincere in their beliefs. It
    also generated from the interest of the state. I think that if the
    decision is not arbitrary, it shall be obligatory, because otherwise
    they will not understand us. Distrust, which is a very bad phenomenon,
    will reserve.

    We must have professionals engaged in lobbying of our country, as it
    seems to everyone that if they want to improve relations with Armenia,
    it is already good. The embassies, unfortunately, do not represent
    the interests of Armenia so far. This is also a serious problem.

    Interviewed by Nelly Grigoryan

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