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DigiTec Expo 2013 Technological Armenians Festival Has Launched

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  • DigiTec Expo 2013 Technological Armenians Festival Has Launched


    04-10-2013 12:29:16 | Armenia | Science and Technology

    On October 4, at the "Yerevan Expo" Center of the Yerevan Computer
    Research and Development Institute the international exhibition
    DigiTec Expo 2013 has launched. The President of RA Serzh Sargsyan,
    the Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Unites
    States of America to the Republic of Armenia John Heffern, the
    Minister of Economy of RA Vahram Avanesyan has participated at the
    opening ceremony. The executive director of the Union of Information
    Technology Enterprises Karen Vardanyan, Opening remarks were denoted
    by the Executive Director of the Union of Information Technology
    Enterprises Karen Vardanyan, the President of "Rostelecom" OJSC
    Sergey Kalugin, the Director of the Armenian representativeness of
    "Questrade International Inc." Artashes Harutyunyan.

    The exhibition will last 3 days-from 4th of October till 6th of
    October at the "Yerevan Expo" Center of the Yerevan Computer Research
    and Development Institute (Mergelyan).

    Over 120 local and international companies from Canada, Singapore,
    Russia and USA take part at the exhibition. This year the exhibition
    is represented in greater content and new format. At the first
    floor the engineering sector represents over 30 companies, such as
    "10x Engineering", "Ani-Test", "Bitlis-Men", "Innovative Solutions",
    "Integrator", Museum of Science and Technique, "Mush-Technologies",
    "Nairi-Tech", "National Instruments", "Olymp Engineering", "Pegasus
    Logic", "Project Integration" and so on.

    The software and internet solutions, telecommunication, educational
    sector, system integrators and equipment suppliers are represented
    on the second floor. Among them you can find "GNC Alpha", "Satis",
    "Instigate Mobile", "Instigate", "Orange Armenia", "LanAr Service",
    "Mentor Graphics Development Services", "Microsoft", "Monitis GFA"
    and others.

    On the third floor we represent new start-up companies, career fair
    participants, "DigiLife" presentation halls and macthmaking area for
    business discussions.

    During the exhibition the following events will be held: ~U DigiLife
    seminars - During the 3 days of the exhibition within the frames of
    DigiLife seminars the can attend about 30 presentations and workshops,
    such as '~RThe current problems of cybersecurity in companies",
    "Rational commerce of the future - vision of IBM", Meet the new
    Office365, " Modern Datacenters", '~RWhat is Agile Development,
    its history and why to adopt it" and so on.

    ~U Technological Career Fair- who like to work in technological sphere
    will have an opportunity to meet the employers, get acquainted with
    available positions as well as represent themselves.

    ~U ArmRobotics - will be represented Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ~U Open
    Game Contest - will be represented the games announced during the
    "Open Game" Championship Of Developers Of Computer And Mobile Games.

    The ArmTech congress will take place in parallel with DigiTec this
    year, also supported by the EDMC Project in an effort to contribute
    to the sustainable development of the IT sector in Armenia and the
    establishment of business relations, while spurring investments into
    the sector.

    It is noteworthy that this year the sponsors of DigiTec are companies
    operating abroad, as well as international organizations. The platinum
    sponsor of the Expo is GNC-ALFA with its Rostelecom brand, the
    general sponsor of the event is Questrade International Inc. software
    delopment company. Expo is also sponsored by Russian company named
    "Satis" which is developing satellite technologies.

    DigiTec Expo is a traditional technological exhibition. It is highly
    anticipated and we can state that its a holiday for technological
    Armenians. With the help of DigiTec people see the prospect of their
    future and they connect it with their own country. From the strategic
    point of view, this is the most important function of DigiTec, -
    mentioned the UITE Executive Director Karen Vardanyan.

    "Armenia has a number of start-up IT companies that offer both
    interesting and innovative technological ideas and solutions. This
    year, they will once again be represented at the exhibition with
    a united front and supported by the EDMC project to present their
    products and network with potential partners, clients, and investors,"
    noted EDMC Chief of Party Bruno Cornelio. "As DigiTec significantly
    contributes to the establishment and strengthening of business ties,
    EDMC will also offer a targeted business-to-business (B2B) area for
    meetings, where participating companies will be able to engage in
    deeper discussions with their partners."

    It is expected that during 9th annual DigiTec Expo the number of
    visitors will increase up to 25 000 instead of 24 000 which visited
    last year.

    "DigiTec Expo 2013" is organized by the Union of Information Technology
    Enterprises, the sporter is the USAID-funded Enterprise Development and
    Market Competitiveness (EDMC) Project, the platinum sponsor is GNC-ALFA
    CJSC with its "Rostelecom" brand, the official sponsor is "Questrade
    International Inc." and the sponsor is "Satis" company. DigiTec Expo
    is held under the high patronage of the Prime-minister of RA.

    Platinum sponsor Official sponsor Sponsor DigiTec Expo's information
    partners are:,,,,,,,
    information websites; Aravot, Irates de Facto, Hayots Ashkharh, 168
    Hours, Delovoy Express, Respublika Armenia, Info Market newspapers and
    "Publishing House Navigator".

    Union of Information Technology Enterprises (UITE) UITE is IT
    Association of Armenia founded in 2000. The vision of UITE is to ensure
    that there is an internationally competitive ICT/High-Tech industry
    in Armenia. UITE implements a variety of projects which mainly tends
    toward the development and growth of IT sector in Armenia. Among all
    the projects UITE organizes annual DigiTec Expo, ICT Leaders Meeting,
    DigiTec Business Forum, Armrobotics, "Open Game" Championship,

    About USAID Enterprise Development and Market Competitiveness (EDMC)

    The USAID-funded Enterprise Development and Market Competitiveness
    (EDMC) project seeks to improve Armenia's business environment and
    support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

    This five-year project aims to increase employment and incomes in
    Armenia by promoting growth in targeted value chains that have strong
    export potential: Information Technologies, Biopharmaceuticals,
    Food Processing, and Tourism.

    Ruzan Apresyan, PR Specialist Tel: 010-54-88-81(82) E-mail:
    [email protected] Web:,

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