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Lies, Insinuations Never Beneath Baku's Dignity

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  • Lies, Insinuations Never Beneath Baku's Dignity


    October 3, 2013 - 16:44 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Serzh Sargsayn had hardly returned from PACE session
    when Azerbaijan hurried to yet again to stack up accusations against
    the Armenian leader while portraying own President as a dove of peace.

    The Chief of the Political Analysis and Information Department at
    Azerbaijani presidential office Elnur Aslanov, for instance, stated
    that Sargsyan tried to suggest that Aliyev pointed out Armenians as
    No.1 enemy.

    Seems like Aslanov is unaware of the international community's
    response to Aliyev's bellicose statements on Karabakh, with Baku
    having confirmed to be buying weaponry for a war against Armenia.

    Aslanov went on to recall that "30 000 Armenian nationals currently
    reside in Azerbaijan, with their basic rights and freedoms guaranteed
    by the country's Constitution." Interestingly enough, Aslanov suggested
    the Armenian minority has their own newspaper.

    One might wonder if Aslanov has any idea what year it is. The last
    Armenian-language newspaper in Azerbaijan was closed in 1989 after the
    deportation of the Armenians by the "most tolerant nation." Stopping
    just short of accusing Armenia of fascism, Aslanov justifies the
    anti-Armenian hysteria by Baku's "protecting ideals and values common
    to the civilized countries and defending the state's interests which
    are based on those values."

    Clearly, Baku suffers from inferiority complex, with all of its
    statements aimed at self-affirmation and proof of its ancient origin.

    Indeed, a nation having no clear proof or idea of its roots, starts
    from appropriating the lands and culture of the neighboring countries.

    And a mention of the recently deceased great Armenian actor Sos Sarsyan
    who once said "to you Karabakh is a territory, to us it's a sacred
    fatherland" was completely out of reason. A tolerant and civilized
    state should have known better than mentioning those deceased in any
    context. And Aslanov better keep silent.

    Karine Ter-Sahakian/ PanARMENIAN.Net

    From: A. Papazian