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Zaruhi Postanjyan "I Will Speak With Hovik Abrahamyan In Legal Langu

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  • Zaruhi Postanjyan "I Will Speak With Hovik Abrahamyan In Legal Langu


    October 4 2013

    The MP of "Heritage" faction Zaruhi Postanjyan ensures that her
    question to the RA President raised yesterday at the PACE was presented
    by the wish of citizens of Armenia and the Diaspora."Everybody was
    worried about this issue",- said Ms.

    Postanjyan to To our observation that some of your
    like-minded friends and party members also responded bad to your
    question, she said, "There are different opinions, more pointed
    questions could be raised, but to whom. I do not accept Serzh Sargsyan
    as the President of Armenia, he had appeared here as a result
    of theft and robbery. What question should I ask this man? I have
    asked the question right in that context. And, those who say that if
    they were in my place, I would not have asked this question, this
    is the reason why I am here, and not them." To note that yesterday
    Anahit Bakhshyan had told that she would not ask such a question,
    and Isabella Abgaryan had told that more pointed question could be
    asked from the Council of Europe tribune. To our question whether
    you are aware of that NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan has expressed his
    intention about your withdraw from the PACE Armenian delegation,
    she said, "Hovik Abrahamyan is already repeated, such an attempt
    has been made many years ago by him, and he has got the answer. He
    will get the answer now, too. I am asking the right question in the
    right place at the right time, which had unwelcomed consequences for
    them." To our question as to what reaction was received after your
    question at the PACE, Ms. Postanjyan said, "The reactions are still
    ahead. The reaction should be as following. We must do everything in
    our country to isolate these authorities, thieves, and fraudsters from
    our country that their threat is not constituted to the citizens of
    Armenia, and Armenian citizen is not forced to leave." Referring to the
    Constitution of Armenia, Article 66, which was cited by the National
    Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan at the NA and which served as a
    ground for withdrawal of Zaruhi Postanjyan from PACE delegation, Ms.

    Postanjyan said, "If Hovik Abrahamyan want to get into a legal dispute
    and make a statement in the legal context, we will speak with him in
    legal language. We can make a war on him in this context also. Let him
    not think that he can make success from a legal perspective." To the
    criticism directed at him that he could have made the same question
    in Armenia, but not from the Council of Europe tribune, Ms. Postanjyan
    said such a question should be asked to Serzh Sargsyan at the PACE.

    "What is different of the PACE from here, the tribunes are the same.

    We need to raise this question right in the PACE, because an organized
    crime occurred in Armenia with complicity of PACE high rank officials,
    stealing the votes from the Armenian people. So, my questions was
    addressed to them that you have have entered into a deal and you were
    in trade with just an ordinary person, who has a reputation to visit
    casinos and play." To our question whether you do not think that your
    question will be speculated in Azerbaijan and Turkey, she said. "I do
    not have a problem whether they will speculate in Azerbaijan or Turkey,
    or not. Because during three years, 15,000 Turks and Azeri did not
    come here to ask for asylum, but the citizens of Armenia. They have
    come here to lie down on the ground and ask for asylum. If someone
    tries to speculate, let him understand who our enemy is. Our enemy
    is among us and inside us. And, this animosity comes from inside us."

    Arpine SIMONYAN

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