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ANCA Leaders Mark Armenian Independence Day With Sen. Menendez

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  • ANCA Leaders Mark Armenian Independence Day With Sen. Menendez

    Friday, October 4th, 2013

    Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Rober Menendez addressing
    Armenian American community leaders

    "Today is a celebration of independence, but we cannot forget history.

    And only by closing this dark chapter in human history [the Armenian
    Genocide] can we rightfully honor its victims. Let me be perfectly
    clear. . . there is no other word for it, there is no euphemism, there
    is no avoiding it, there are no excuses." - Senator Robert Menendez

    LOS ANGELES-Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Chairman of the Senate
    Foreign Relations Committee, celebrated Armenia's Independence Day and
    reaffirmed his commitment to the national and democratic aspirations
    of the Armenian people at events with Armenian American community
    leaders in Southern California on September 21, 2013. Chairman Menendez
    was joined at Independence Day celebrations by local, regional and
    national representatives of the Armenian National Committee of America,
    which has supported the Senator's principled leadership for more than
    two decades.

    "Chairman Menendez is a true champion of human rights, democracy
    and justice, who, in the best American tradition, works tirelessly
    to ensure that our government's policies live up to our ideals as a
    people," remarked ANCA National Board member Raffi Hamparian. "As a
    proud fellow son of New Jersey, who also had the opportunity to work on
    Capitol Hill during Senator Menendez's tenure in the U.S. House, I know
    first-hand how very much he has done - sometimes in the public arena,
    other times quietly and out of the spotlight - to advance the national
    and democratic aspirations of the Armenian people," Hamparian added.

    Vahe and Aida Yeghiazarian were the gracious hosts of an intimate
    event with Chairman Menendez prior to a community gathering hosted
    at the Glendale Youth Center

    In moving remarks, warmly welcomed by the capacity crowd at the
    Glendale Youth Center and also by ANCA supporters gathered at the home
    of Vahe and Aida Yeghiazarian, Senator Menendez recalled the heroic
    efforts that launched and sustained the first Republic of Armenia
    and joined with Armenians worldwide in marking the 22nd anniversary
    of Armenia's reborn independence. He reaffirmed his commitment to
    Armenia's independence, stressing his support for her security,
    democratic development, and sustainable, broad-based economic growth.

    In keeping with his principled record, dating back to his service in
    the U.S. House of Representatives, the New Jersey legislator spoke in
    favor of a peaceful and democratic resolution of Nagorno Karabakh and
    against Turkey's denial of the Armenian Genocide. He shared his high
    regard for the Armenian American community's longstanding tradition
    of democratic engagement and the ANCA's leadership in that regard.

    Senator Menendez singled out for special praise the Armenian Youth
    Federation and its pioneering Youth Corps program to host summer
    camps in Armenia, educate young people, perform community service,
    and strengthen diaspora and homeland connections. Chairman Menendez
    warmly welcomed the presence of Ani Tchaghlasian, James Sahagian,
    and other New Jersey Armenian community leaders on hand for his events
    in Los Angeles.

    Senator Menendez has been a longstanding supporter of Armenian American
    issues and an outspoken advocate for U.S. affirmation of the Armenian
    Genocide since his years in the House of Representatives.

    Notably, he placed a "hold" on the nomination of Dick Hoagland,
    President George W. Bush's nominee as U.S. Ambassador to Armenia,
    after Hoagland denied the Armenian Genocide during his Senate
    confirmation process. He also successfully blocked the nomination of
    U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan Matthew Bryza due to his shortcomings
    as a senior diplomat dealing with the Caucasus.

    As Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Menendez leads
    the consideration of foreign policy legislation and is responsible for
    holding confirmation hearings for ambassadorial and other high-level
    diplomatic positions in the Department of State. The Committee has
    debated landmark treaties and legislation, ranging from the Alaska
    purchase in 1867 to the establishment of United Nations in 1945.

    During his remarks at a community gathering and a leadership
    reception, Senator Menendez addressed a broad range of issues of
    concern to Armenian Americans, including, notably, his high regard
    for the Armenian American community. At the Glendale Youth Center
    event, he said: "We are Americans first, and Armenians have proven
    time and time again their great love of America, their strong, deep
    faith and abiding sense of what our country is all about. But that
    does not mean that an Armenian, or for that fact, any other citizen
    of the United States with deep roots or heritage, should forget their
    heritage or should not be able to raise their voice, as citizens of
    the United States, about what they believe should be the policy of
    the U.S. So I want to thank the ANCA for their tremendous advocacy -
    all of the time - on these critical issues in Washington DC."

    Hacob and Mina Shirvanian confer with Chairman Menendez as leaders
    Karo Khanjian and Raffi Hamparian look on

    In celebrating the 22nd anniversary of Armenia's renewed independence,
    he recalled the heroism of the first Armenian Republic: "We remember
    those four days in 1918 when volunteers and refugees united to defend
    their nation from the Turkish army that was cleansing the Armenians. .

    . Outgunned and outnumbered but extraordinarily courageous and united,
    as they are today, to establish a democratic Republic of Armenia in
    which the vision of a homeland would be their hope for over a century
    of exile and Soviet domination."

    Noting the history of the 1918 Republic's founding during the horrors
    of the Armenian Genocide, Senator Menendez stated that: "Even in
    the midst of this celebration when we remember that foundation of
    independence and then the ultimate creation of the modern Armenian
    state in 1991, we also remember one of the darkest events in human
    history: the Genocide of 1915, and we are still talking about it
    today. We will not, and I believe we cannot, ever forget. We remember
    the victims by not only those who lost their lives, but in recognition
    of how they died, and how history remembers their deaths." He added:
    "To me, quite simply, genocide is genocide. I have for 21 years in my
    time in the House and the House International Relations Committee,
    and in the Senate, since I came eight years ago, and now as the
    Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I continue to
    support a resolution to recognize the Armenian Genocide and to use
    the lessons of what clearly was an atrocity of historic proportions,
    to prevent future crimes against humanity. If we do not remember the
    past, we are destined to repeat it."

    Chairman Menendez speaking with community stalwart and long time ANCA
    supporter Frank Melkonian and national board member Raffi Hamparian

    "The time has come, and it is actually passed time, for the United
    States to join the European Union and 19 other nations that
    have formally recognized the actions carried out by the former
    Ottoman Empire, from 1915-1923 as, in fact, genocide. . . Only by
    closing this dark chapter in human history can we rightly honor
    its victims." "We, the people, remember the Armenians. The world,
    remembers. Ninety-eight years later, the children, the grand-children,
    and the great-grand-children of the survivors. . . we, remember,"
    he declared, noting that modern-day Turkey should "give back the
    churches that were taken, and have in many cases been destroyed,
    to the Patriarchate."

    Speaking to the challenges facing Armenia today, he said: "We look
    forward to a day when we can be assured that the Armenian homeland will
    survive and it will thrive... as an independent state. . . that can
    fulfill the hopes and dreams and aspirations of its citizens," adding:
    "We need greater engagement and more opportunities for the Armenian
    people." He stressed that: "We value our relationship with Armenia,
    one that is based on a deep and abiding respect and common interest.

    Together, we have worked to reduce poverty, expand trade and
    investment, promote good governance and the ongoing work of
    non-governmental organizations and civil society groups, and broaden
    access to healthcare."
